Monday, February 15, 2010

How Did I Get Here?

My story is simple really.  Back in 2004 I started gaining a lot of weight in a very short period of time (among other symptoms) and by the time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I was hooked on running (which I added to weights training to try and lose).  It wasnt till after I got on meds and for almost a year before I lost that weight.  However, there was still more and no matter what I did I couldnt lose.  I was training for marathons, running like crazy...and still nothing.  I was eating 'healthy' for the most part, or so I thought.  I would lose ever so often (whenever there was a break in a relationship I was in), but still it would just hit a certain point and there was no more loss.  And then it would come back on.  I still saw the 'fat' parts where it was loose and flabby and just not attractive (to me).

Back in October I started eating more and more healthy, and my body started to change.  It still wasnt great though and I was struggling with trying to figure out what the deal was and refused to buy into that over 40 crap.

I started experimenting with a few things and saw more progress.  Slowly because I was training for Houston Marathon and you have to eat to train.  So the experimenting went along trying different foods and amounts of calories etc...It wasnt until January when I really started seeing the changes and the weight started just dropping off.  Keep in mind that I am small anyway by most standards so losing while still eating to maintain focus and performance (for training) makes it even harder.

I started cutting out most meat, and just about all processed foods (you know; what is on your supermarket shelves and in the grocers freezer).  I cut out alcohol back in October along with any semblance of fast food (which I never really ate anyway, but had my moments).

After marathon in mid January, thats REALLY when I started big time...eating only fresh vegetables, wholest of grains I could find, traded in regular 1-2% milk to soy, and meat only like once a week...Now I am 10 lbs lighter and have gone from a size 6 to a 2 (I finally went and bought some new pants today for work and play)...

The weight loss is only a by product, but the fat loss (at least to me) is the most evident.  My mid section is now lean, and I have lost weight in my legs which is the hardest of all for me.  Always has been.  The biggest thing(s) that are worth their weight in gold is my ability to sleep better, function better, my skin looks great and my overall well being is just something I could never have imagined. 

I feel fantastic!!!  Its the single most wonderful thing I have ever done for myself, my body and my whole soul. 

I have done all of this with much research and trial and error and I think finally I have found my silver bullet.  I still have about 7 lbs I want to lose, but its going to be slow, and I know this...but the process is so much fun!  Learning new recipes and experimenting with food is so wonderful and rewarding!!

Trust me when I tell you that if you just give whole foods a try, and quit spending money on fat free this and fat free that you will see a huge difference.  All those things in the store are FULL of HFCS and made from a cheap corn that is manufactured so that food can be made readily available to the masses for cheap costs!  The corn that they harvest, by itself is not even fit to be eaten like regular corn on the cob!!!  Its made specifically to be made into crap and sold on the supermarket shelves.

Just give it a try for a month or so and then tell me you dont feel and look a million times better than you ever have before!!!


NY Wolve said...

Very interesting! As someone who adds (and loses) a fair amount of weight, I admire your training, dedication and consistency. I could never make the sacrifices, but I agree: whole, real foods are better than processed fat free, sodium laden products.

June said...

oh believe me when i say i am not perfect. i still like chips and all that good bad for you stuff! :o) only its limited to special occasions and in very limited portions.

but i certainly appreciate your commendation!!!