Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ash Wednesday (Beginning of Lent)

Well, I have been trying and trying to decide on my 'fast' tomorrow...to 'fast' for Ash Wednesday means you get one meal for the day...And I have been struggling with what meal I would have...I know you get 2 'collations' (snacks) but I prefer to try and abstain from that practice as I think of that as 'cheating'..Ideally I would like to consume nothing but water as they did way back when, but honestly I don't know if I have THAT in me??? 

When you think about what He did for all of us, me going without food for 24 hours shouldn't seem quite so unbearable as it seems right?

I am going to just go for a very light lunch as my plan...what is going to be the hardest is that in the mornings, by about 1 hour of being up my belly button feels like its eating my spine I am so hungry..

I see a lot of hot tea in my day tomorrow...

And of course today is my last day of meat until Easter...


NY Wolve said...

Good luck with Lent. I am not Catholic, so I am not familiar with the rules, but admire the commitment and sacrifice.

Mel said...

Maybe the church i've attended my whole life isn't strict on the fasting thing or even encourages it. I've never fasted for Ash Wed and didn't know people did.

Maybe i'm a bad Catholic.

TX Runner Mom said...

I'm not Catholic either, so I had no idea of the fasting thing. Good luck on that!

Junie B said...

ha! you're not a bad Catholic! there have been SO many 'changes' to the 'rules' over time that i think its very confusing to begin with! as a kid we never fasted and only did the no (hooved) meat on Fridays during Lent (which means we ate seafood only). It wasnt until i got older that i started reading about how its all evolved over time.

just like with the 'fasting' on Ash Wednesday, different rules seem to be out there..all i know is right now i am STARVING!!!

Junie B said...

NY Wolve: as i stated on your blog: as with me, its not necessarily about giving up meat but more about being more cognizant of what i put into my body (no animal products, more veggies and fruit!), how i TREAT my body, and also about the respect of my body for its true purpose (a vessel for more than what seems apparent and expected)and also to LOVE my body and to not always berate myself based upon societys 'vision' of what a perfect body is...