From The Today Show today (a bit of an interview with Michael Pollan; written not video)
I bought this book on Saturday. I just finished reading it.
Its that good. I can honestly say that this book is the one book that I have completely marked up and there are so many of those cute, little purple post it thingees on pages its not even funny. I started doing this because I wanted to share some of the information here, and I still might, but basically I would end up writing the whole book here!!! I just highly recommend reading it...
I ordered the Omnivore's Dilemma and Food Rules, also by Michael Pollan just yesterday.
I wish that they would be on my door step when I get home...but I know they were just shipped so thats not going to happen...Guess I will have to make do with the book I stopped reading when I got this one... One Fifth Avenue (Candace Bushnell)...Cause well while I might be very concientious about what I put in my body, I am also concientious about what I put on my body...And nothing says fashion, New York City and chick stuff quite like a Candace Bushnell novel... :o)
Does he talk about Bt in that book? This movie is pretty good too if you haven't already seen it and you have an hour and a half to kill. The Future of Food
Will have to look for that movie...i still havent watched Food Inc...will this weekend more than likely!
oh and HELLLLLLLLLLLO Jocelyn!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis)is a bacteria that naturally occurs in soil and kills bugs by tearing up their gut. Several years ago they started to genetically modify some seeds to contain Bt. Natural Bt only kills a select group of bugs but when you genetically modify something like that who knows what could happen. A study on mice showed that Bt toxin caused structural changes of intestine but the EPA did a study and decided Bt was digested in the human stomach so it was safe.
and HELLLLLLLLLO Junebug!!!!!!
um. no. they most certainly did not talk about that...
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