Friday, December 31, 2010

Kenyan Way - *Long* Run

So once again, due to holidays, our normal Saturday run was moved up a day.  Only thing was unlike Christmas Eve, I actually have to work today.  Booooo!!!  Oh well, not a lot going on, most people took the day off, so I just told my boss that I was going to be running (no pun intended) late this morning.

65deg/97% humidity makes for a very sweaty run!  But again, the hot yoga is paying off big dividends when having to run in less than ideal conditions.

I got to base at around 5:15am and immediately went up to boss man to ask if he thought it would be ok to set out on my own on the route, alone.  This weeks route had a couple of iffy miles in them where not only was it going to be very dark, but a not so good of area where a single runner girl should be alone.  He said absolutely not and so we hatched out a plan and off I went.  Once I did start on the route, there were a couple of girls about my pace as well, and I was just following along behind them, and then sure enough, I saw them stop on the little bridge that went over the bayou and just before you go under a freeway.  I had seen a car coming, pull under the overpass, stop and turn their headlights off.  This is an area where there is some construction going on and I am not quite sure how this person even got his car down there (there isnt a road, only a bike path.  The 3 of us stood there for a minute or so thinking that the fast(est) group of runners would be coming soon, but nothing.  The 3 of us took off together but the problem was that I was going to be turning back soon and would have to go back under there by myself. 

Once I got to my turnaround point I walked a bit, trying to give some time to the other runners to be coming in my direction, and sure enough just as I got to the underpass part, a few runners (not from our group) were there at the same time, so I felt much better.  The car was still there, dark, and I couldnt even really see anyone in there.  Spooky.  I ran a bit faster from there to the water stop where by then all the runners were coming and I was no longer alone.  Going the opposite way, but at least not by myself.

I got my 9 miles in, finishing off on the cloverleaf.  Not sure of my pace as Garmina is at home, and I never really even looked at the watch the whole time, as I just was wanting to get the shorter mileage (cut back week) in, be done, get home and be to work no later than necessary; and for whatever reason I wasn't concerned with pace today.  Wasn't until I got home that I realized I hadn't even eaten the Gu I had stuck in my pocket :O).  I think my mind was elsewhere this morning (like running in the darkest dark and being a bit spooked the whole time more or less), and since I had had 1 PopTart before heading out the door, I guess I was sufficiently fueled enough :O).

Now I can just get through the short day at work and I get to run with Melissa tomorrow!  I hope I can keep up.  She's speedy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an incredible race year you had! Your Boston dream pie is going to taste good!!!!!!