Monday, December 13, 2010

Reverb10 - December 11

11 Things.

What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?
How will you go about eliminating them?
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

11 things?  OK, I will give this one a shot...
  1. Debt
    1. I have been striving for this for some time.  I am making headway which is always good.  I don't use credit cards anymore; I only really have one that I use for emergencies and/or sometimes when I travel, but I am still always sure to be able to pay off what I spend in no more than 2 payments.  There is a bit of a balance on there right now which means I wont be using it again until that is paid off.  So paying off more on what I do owe on others is just another goal to get towards in 2011 without adding on any more.  Plus my car will be paid off in a few months which will help tremendously.
  2. Drama
    1. Again, something I worked on this year; and if you read my post from Friday this kind of all ties in together.  If someone starts creating drama in my life, I retreat a little to my comfortable 'you are a nice acquaintance' mode or I eliminate altogether.  This trend will continue.
  3. Stuff
    1. Another ongoing project.  I was just having this conversation with someone yesterday about excess.  I did a lot in 2010 but still have a bit of ways to go.  I am striving for minimalism and simplistic.  So adding any new 'stuff' is just not on my radar.  I will replace what needs replacing, but spending money on 'things', in my opinion, when I dont need it is not the person I want to be.  I dont have anything to prove to anyone with the amount of different outfits I own.  Not that everyone does that, but some do or at least feel that way.  One of the first projects of 2011 is to yet again go through the clothes.  The first category will be jeans.  If I had to guess right now...I probably still have about 15 pairs of jeans, and thats after getting rid of quite a few in 2010.  My goal is to figure out which 5 pairs of jeans I cannot live without.  I wish I could say I could get it down to 3, but its baby steps people, baby steps.
  4. Pressure
    1. See 1 and 3.  Eliminating debt and stuff is one sure-fire way to relieve some pressure.  Plus I feel a lot of pressure in the family arena, especially right now with Mom and all, but thats temporary.  I want to continue to live my life the way I see fit and not by what it going on around me.  Learning the word 'no' and 'because I just don't want to' has been empowering to say the least.
And honestly, I can't think of anything else I would like to rid myself of in 2011; something might come to mind but who knows.  I wish I could say I would like to eliminate television and the internet, but eliminating those completely is just not doable.  At least not for me.  :O)  ... However I do hope to lessen the time spent with such time sucking leeches that they are!

The only thing I hope to add in 2011 is a doggie!!  Or at the very least a new kitty.  Its been 2 years since I lost my Harley (cat) after 17 years together...I am finally ready for a new pet and honestly I would have had one by now, but where I live they don't allow since my lease is up in April and my car will be paid off in April, so I will be looking for a new place to live.  The process of finding my new home will start in February, if not in January.  I am hoping to be able to find a townhome, duplex or condo. 

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