Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Apparently I was too cold this morning (or so I thought I would be but it WAS cold in my house!) to know that I had my band upside down.  Oh well, it was way dark when I ran this morning so no one knew :)  But this band sums up my love/hate relationship sometimes with running.  Bondi Bands are great because they double as ear bands as well.  My one and only true earband (Asics) was tossed along side the road in Dallas around mile 8 this past weekend.

It was 37 deg this morning and since I was only going 4 miles I thought I needed pants AND a long sleeve?  Wrong.  Was sweating by the end of the run.  Dumb.  I know better.


Heather said...

I just bought a biondi band a few weeks ago and cannot wait to try it!

chris mcpeake said...

I always have this problem when it first starts getting cold. Soon it will be a non issue as the winter deep freeze sets in.