Monday, January 25, 2010

Time to Give Back...

On March 3rd, I will be embarking on a new venture; as a Coach!  I really, REALLY love inspiring, leading, motivating and encouraging others when it comes to health, wellness, nutrition and RUNNING!  So when the opportunity presented itself, then I chose to go for it!

Its a program geared more towards new runners, a Couch to 5K sort of thing and I think its just wonderful!  The program is called Power in Motion, and I am just beside myself to begin! 

I can't wait to be more involved, and so many people have helped me along the way, and yes, I have helped others here and there (pacing for KW, helping out an individual here or there), but not on such a scale as this...I am super duper excited and I hope that my enthusiasm for the sport I hold near and dear to my heart rubs off on at least ONE of the newbies!!!


TX Runner Mom said...

I heard that was a great program! I know you'll be an awesome coach!

Junie B said...

I am very excited about it indeed! not sure where they will place me; i.e. with new runners or some exp runners who want to improve on speed...we'll see!!!

Mel said...

That is so cool! You are going to be a fantastical coach!

saroy said...

That's great! You'll be a natural.

Unknown said...

The PIMster's are going to LOVE June. It's so rewarding and you are going to ROCK!!!