Thursday, January 28, 2010

For you Pasta Lovers (and think you're eating healthy)...

You need to watch this.

Now I don't eat pasta often, maybe once or twice a month...and I buy the good stuff, but what stuck out at me in this segment from the Today Show was the restaurant 'serving' (4 cups!!!) and because it was the icky pasta, what you were basically eating!!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrross!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You might as well be just injecting sugar into your veins (and fat onto your ass)...

What gets me is why are Italian style restaurants serving this crap (and why are some of you still eating it!!)???  I can't think of one Italian place that has whole grain pasta that I have ever been in...and I am NOT talking about 'enriched' she states, thats a load of crap.

1 comment:

TX Runner Mom said...

I'm one of the weirdos that orders chicken at the pasta I'm glad I do!