Sunday, January 10, 2010

T Minus 7 Days

The day is upon did it get here so fast? 

The reality of it all is setting in yet again.  I've been here before.

Rethinking said strategy.
It all just starts to make you a bit crazy.

I'm at the point where I am questioning "can I run that far?".  But I also know that yes, yes I can.  I have done the training...but then I also know that no matter what was so great in training does not always mean that marathon day will be as great.  Or even good for that matter...Anything can happen out there.

Or I can wake up that morning and just not be 'on', and everything can just end up being all for naught.

Well enough of that nonsense.  Trust in the training.

The first weather forecasts are on the news and every local channel this morning (and yes I watched all three), are referring to next Sunday as 'marathon day', and letting us runners know what we 'might' expect.

So far.  So good.

40's in the morning, with highs in the 60's (which means of course much later in the day).  Apparently there is a lot of rain forecast at the end of the week, but they are all saying 'it should be all out of here for you marathon runners'.

So there is that.

No running today.  No yoga today.  Just stocking the house up with food, dropping clothes off at Goodwill, Target (spend gift card! New cute cute cute brightly colored trench coat!), nails, bank, pharmacy...

I have to tell you this 'taper worm' is driving me crazy.  The level of hunger is off the charts, and I am having to dig deep I tell you to stay the course.  They tell me hot tea or cocoa helps, so I bought both tea bags and cocoa at the grocery...we'll see.

However, I was also told that when you dont feed your hunger (as just about everyone does), your body starts feeding off whatever fat you have.

This is great news.  I wonder if its true?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

In non-running stuff, we finally got the bike trainer all set up yesterday!  Its a CycleOps 'fluid' and man I cannot wait to start training on the bike again!  Being able to also ride inside the house is a plus as well!  I can just ride while watching television for when the weather is not conducive to outdoor training or just for the heck of it!  Its the best best best gift EVAH!!!  I cant wait till its time for the seasons first duathlon!!  I am having a hard time not getting on it though, but I know time to start that 1 week out from marathon...


Anonymous said...

quite certain you're going to have a marathon race that is off the charts. Stay healthy this week, and it will come together on Sunday...almost guaranteed.

Seems like you have the right idea though...Trust the taining.

Junie B said...

Anon: guaranteed huh? wow. i wish i knew how to collect on THAT if something goes awry. :o)

matt said...

the burning fat when hungry argument is true -- to a point. generalizing, each pound of fat is about 500 calories; each pound of muscle about 3500. down to a point (about 500 calories less than what you'd normally been intaking), your body will burn off fat. when dieting restricts caloric intake beyond that point, your body responds by going into starvation mode in three ways. first, your basic metabolic rate will drop. second, your body starts burning muscle. and third, because your basic metabolic rate has dropped, your body naturally puts on fat much more easily in the future, to protect you against future 'starvation' times.

great, right? evidently i remember more from my college nutrition class than i thought i did.

Junie B said...

matt: that just confused me to some extent. :o) i have been hearing a lot about Eat Stop Eat! and The Warrior 'diet' which basically promotes mini-fasting; feeding off the fat; letting yourself 'go hungry' etc instead of the highly promoted 5-6 mini meals a day thing...oh and by the way, i know you're in idaho right now, and its cold cold cold, but i would still rather be in idaho than texas :) will we ever cross paths again i often wonder...