Friday, July 22, 2011

Can't Touch This!


Lawdy how I use to love that song!  But in the case of this entry I really mean YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS ME! 

Last night I headed off to do a Bikram class as planned, and yet again we had a sub yogi and while I have taken her class once before, I couldn't really remember how she was as an instructor.  And what I mean by that is if she is a 'toucher'.  An 'adjuster'.

I cannot stand an 'adjuster'.  Just cannot.  The other yogi's classes I have taken I know who the adjusters are and well they now know me, and they know 'no touch her' rule.  Especially Juan.  He definitely knows not to touch me (adjust me) when I am in pose.

One of the reasons for this is generally because due to my left lower back issue (degenerative disk), there are just certain poses that I have to modify slightly or cannot get into the exact right position for without experiencing pain.  Therefore if they come near me to adjust not only do I have to explain quietly why, but then I lose focus and fall out of pose.  Which then pisses me off.

But honestly I just really don't like them touching me.  It throws me off balance and makes me uncomfortable.  I am pretty sure Aline now knows 'don't touch her'.

Having said all of that, the class was just 'eh' last night.  I mean I worked really hard, but for some reason no matter how hard I pushed myself (even doing advanced on some of the poses), I couldn't really seem to break a sweat other than on my face.  This was for about the first hour+ and then things changed.  It was like it had started pouring down rain in there and I couldn't sweat fast or furious enough.  Definitely weird.

What was also weird, and something I had never done before...I of course was early and decided to meditate for the 10 minutes or so before class started.

Meditate = fall asleep on the floor

Ha!  Totally true story.  I had never done that before.  I jolted awake when a crescendo occurred during the music that was softly playing in the background.  It made me chuckle. 

Guess I needed a power nap!

While I felt all kinds of stretched out and ooey gooey afterwards, I can definitely feel the soreness especially in my upper back and shoulders after 2 days of Bikram this week.  Hopefully this will subside today.  I don't really want to have to do a long run with any soreness anywhere whatsoever!

16 miles tomorrow morning.  Dark and early.

Have you ever fallen asleep in a yoga class?  In any exercise class?  Are you a no touch zone? 


Beth G. said...

I'm not keen on people touching me, but I've gotten used to having the instructors in a yoga class adjust me. I had one who would practically sit on my lower back when I attempted Child's Pose, since my hips just won't lower in that one. (Go figure - the "resting" pose is the one I can't manage.) I really dislike partner work, though. Unexpectedly being assigned to work with a stranger just throws me off, you know?

Rachel said...

I just found your blog and had to laugh when I read this post! I go to Bikram because I like being in tune with my own body and figuring poses out, and only going as far as I feel I can push it that day. There's one teacher at my studio who once KICKED my knee outward while in triangle. I get that he was trying to get me to bend it more, but I wasn't pleased!

I've never falled asleep in yoga... No way I could sleep in a Bikram studio room!