Thursday, July 15, 2010

Crunch Time - Day Three (and the end!)

Well, the whole try again to get up at 5 and run before work didnt happen...again the alarm went off.  And again I just turned it off and went back to sleep :o)

Today is the last day I have to cram so much into my day/evening.  And also thankfully today it will in fact be easier. 

I am leaving work early today for a Dr. appointment, so going to take my lunch late and do the gym beforehand.  So I will get in 5 miles on the treadmill, then doctor, then back to Kingwood to see Mom, then home again home again jiggity jig!

Everyone comes home tomorrow from out of town, so tonight is the last night I have Mom duty.  And NO MORE TREADMILL!!!  I am actually thinking of running tomorrow even though its a rest day just because I will have the time to run outside! 

But then again probably not.  I am so dang tired that even sitting here at work, I could lay my wittle head down and go right to sleep...

Wonder if anyone would notice?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great job with fitting in your workouts! I oftentimes roll over and turn my alarm off - but your body probably needs the sleep! Good luck at the doctors today.