As of this morning the weather in Dallas doesn't look promising for Sunday morning. Depending on where you look, the low and feels like may differ, with Accuweather coming in at a feels like of 18deg (actual temp of 32).
Add to that: rain (freezing rain) Or as the email said last night from DWR directors, "lingering showers".
Let me just put it this way: If its that cold and there is rain, I'll be running 13.1 instead of 26.2. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
When I ran Sugarland (half) back in January in the wind, cold and rain, I almost DNF'd and even sat down on the side of the road and took my DTag off and tossed it. Didn't even run over the Finish line but rather ran around it. My legs just wouldnt work and everything felt weird. At the time I had no clue what was going on.
Granted I was not dressed properly but the weather hit unexpectedly and well, I guess I thought I could handle it.
Obviously I couldn't and ended up with a mild case of hypothermia.
I suppose if its just cold I will go through with the full marathon, so looks to be a race day decision. However, I am still perplexed on what the hell I am going to wear for those types of temps. I have never run more than a few miles in tights. And the tights I do have basically are way too baggy, so I would have to run in capri's I guess.
If I end up just doing the half marathon, I will have to reset for Houston, by running 20 next weekend and then 21 or so again on Christmas Eve as originally planned.
What a mess.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Where's the Foreplay?
I wanted to google a foreplay image, but figured that might not go over so well if anyone is tracking my searches here at work.
So instead I searched for four play...
But back to foreplay...
As I mentioned in the post from Sunday something just doesn't feel 'right' about this next marathon.
I actually have to remind myself that I am running another 26.2 miles in just a few days. Again it has to be because there was not the usual 'build up' (and this is were foreplay comes into it).
If races were lovers, then Chicago got all the usual foreplay, but Dallas isn't getting any. Maybe that means that the actual 'act' will be splendiferous in Dallas since I was left wanting more in Chicago?
Or will Houston end up being the lover of all lovers? Or can I expect more of the 'where's the foreplay' only to just end up in the sack again with yet another lame lover of a marathon in January? Feeling unsatisfied?
Will I finally reach the 'summit' at either Dallas or Houston? I do not know.
As of right now I am just not feeling it for Dallas and maybe that has everything to do with the fact that I can't really digest the fact that I am actually doing it. It just doesn't feel like it. One is supposed to be all antsy right? Excited? Butterflies? Starry eyed?
I haven't had the tantrums. I haven't had the unending hunger. I haven't had any crazy marathon dreams. I haven't been stalking the weather (which is NOT good by the way: rain/drizzle, low of 30 high of 49; hoping this changes; the rain part not the temperature part). I haven't packed my bag. I haven't even thought about what I am bringing to possibly wear.
There just isn't any foreplay dammit!!!
So instead I searched for four play...
But back to foreplay...
As I mentioned in the post from Sunday something just doesn't feel 'right' about this next marathon.
I actually have to remind myself that I am running another 26.2 miles in just a few days. Again it has to be because there was not the usual 'build up' (and this is were foreplay comes into it).
If races were lovers, then Chicago got all the usual foreplay, but Dallas isn't getting any. Maybe that means that the actual 'act' will be splendiferous in Dallas since I was left wanting more in Chicago?
Or will Houston end up being the lover of all lovers? Or can I expect more of the 'where's the foreplay' only to just end up in the sack again with yet another lame lover of a marathon in January? Feeling unsatisfied?
Will I finally reach the 'summit' at either Dallas or Houston? I do not know.
As of right now I am just not feeling it for Dallas and maybe that has everything to do with the fact that I can't really digest the fact that I am actually doing it. It just doesn't feel like it. One is supposed to be all antsy right? Excited? Butterflies? Starry eyed?
I haven't had the tantrums. I haven't had the unending hunger. I haven't had any crazy marathon dreams. I haven't been stalking the weather (which is NOT good by the way: rain/drizzle, low of 30 high of 49; hoping this changes; the rain part not the temperature part). I haven't packed my bag. I haven't even thought about what I am bringing to possibly wear.
There just isn't any foreplay dammit!!!
This is how this week should look! You know if he were DWR Marathon....
Looking at him, I bet I'd PR...yeah for sure I would...
Just sayin'... :O)
Has a marathon (week) ever left you wondering "where's the good stuff"?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
(Last) Long Run - BCRR - 10 Miles
Saturday morning I still woke up at 4:30am but it was the rain that woke me up, not an alarm. I knew in addition to the warm/humid temps forecasted there was also rain. I laid there for a bit and it seemed to let up and I drifted back off to sleep until 7:20 thank you very much! It wasn't raining but it was GEEE-ROSS out and I was so happy that I had made plans to run today instead of the usual KW run.
I was out doing some of my Christmas shopping late morning and was met with thunderstorms and driving rain which lasted most of the day but we sure needed it and it was awesome even if I did get drenched a time or two. No umbrella was going to protect me from the winds that were accompanying the rain.
And as the afternoon went on the wind kept going even if the rain did not. And the temps were dropping. When I watched the news last night I knew this morning was going to be no bueno in that regard.
When I got up at 5 this morning the winds were howling and according to my phone gusting at 23mph (sustained at 15) and the wind chill was 40, with the real temp at 46. Now normally 46 deg is awesome and I dont have problems figuring out what to wear. However add sustained and gusty winds and its a whole other ballgame.
I knew the route we were doing and I also knew that I wouldnt have to deal with head winds the whole way, but yes, parts of it. And again I was right..the last 2 miles were directly into a headwind.
So here is something you don't see very often.
Me in a long sleeve AND capri's.
The crazy morning hair is constant though; held back with a gold glittery Sweaty Band. :)
I thought about just going with shorts, but the winds along with cold always do a number on my thighs and I wanted to avoid that if possible. I was worried though...worried I was going to be too warm.
And I was for a small part of the run. When I hit the first water stop 4 miles in, I was too warm, and the next 4 miles were through River Oaks so I knew I was going to be ok back there since there isn't ever ANY wind back in there. I hate those miles in the Summer because its just so stifling where the air never moves.
But this is also where I finally fell into a solid 10:10 pace and held it. Before that I was holding in at 10:25-10:30. It was after I got out of RO that I met Mother Nature's winds head on and it was a struggle to stay on my feet at times. I was hoping once I hit the park again and changed direction that I would have some reprieve, but no such luck. However the last 2 miles I went sub 10, with mile 10 showing at one time to be 9:45 and I purposely slowed down a bit and closed it at 9:50.
I am so glad I went with the capri's and long sleeve because during those last 2 miles I was freezing. I was wet with sweat and the winds just made me cold as hell.
I thought a lot about Dallas on this run, and honestly I don't feel all that great about it, but I am just hoping to survive it without embarrassment. :O) I think a lot of my doubt comes from the fact that I haven't done 'normal' marathon training, but that is kinda hard to do when you did it once already for Chicago and then recovered, ran long and then taper again in short 8 weeks. There is just something weird about it all and makes me a bit apprehensive.
So 4 more short runs before I fly to Dallas on Friday. And a good ass-kicking by Kyle in there for good measure. :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Weekend Motivation!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends!
It was a laid back quiet one in our little family, which is great.
There was no over-eating on my part: no dessert, and only a bite of bread dressing. I pretty much only ate meat and green beans. I did eat some chips and dip while helping prepare dinner, so that was the worst of my eating sins.
Wednesday I met with my trainer for a workout and good grief, I hate him and love him all at the same time. I opted out of running any miles since I knew I was either going to run a Turkey Trot or just run my own personal TT.
I woke up in plenty of time to head down to any of the Trots in the nearby area, but I really didn't want to a) fight the crowds for parking and race day registration and b) pay $35 to run.
Therefore, slightly before 8am, I was dressed and ready to hit the quiet streets. It was around 54deg out, cloudy and a bit more humid than I had anticipated. I ended up running 5 miles and calling it a day.
I love running the streets on holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. It is so quiet, no noise, and you only see a car or two, the lone runner(s), and maybe a mom/dad or two pushing a tike in stroller, or pulling them in a wagon still in their pajamas (so cute).
I ran part of the Nicholsen trail and again running past the homes, I could smell the smells of Thanksgiving behind their doors wafting through the windows and it just made me smile.
Since its yet another taper weekend of running, I only have 10 miles to do.
The weather for Saturday? warm, humid with storms on the way. Sunday? Cold and WINDY. I am opting to run Sunday with another group instead of the usual Saturday run. Their route is a solid 10 miles every Sunday and they start 30min later than a KW start. While I do not like running in gusty winds, the thought of 10 miles in the opposite of that AGAIN makes me want to hurl. Its gonna be a cold one on Sunday!!!!
This means no rest day for me today! I'm going to hit the gym up for an hour on the treadmill along with some weights/abs.
Are you altering your run(s) this weekend due to the holiday? Due to weather?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Love Is All You Need
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is still one of my favorite seasonal/holiday shows to watch!!! This is a cute condensed version of it! 4 minutes of your life to make you smile!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Weight Lifted
...but not in the literal sense of that phrase, but more like a weight lifted from my shoulders, from my head and definitely from my heart. There had been something bothering me for months which I had alluded to here on the blog (but oh so sparingly as I like to leave a lot of really personal things off of here) for one reason or another.
I think it is really important that when one makes a new start in their life, in whatever direction ... that if necessary, all doors, windows and openings are securely closed. Because of this blog, and in one particular situation, I never felt like that was the case as I felt like someone no longer in my life still had 'access' and it bothered me so much on some occasions that I would vent about it to one of my friends who always gave me the same advice: ask them to STOP reading.
I took a step finally in that direction and while I hated to do it (which I felt weird doing prior because it is the internet and it is public), it came out pretty easily...and within 1 second of the words being 'said' I felt so much better! I still wonder though...will I see those peeks through the few IP's that I know belong to them or someone else close to them...if so, so be it...but it keeps me from posting some things and some pictures some of the time and I would like to think that they will honor my wish...and if not...oh well... anyway, like I said ... a weight lifted!
Speaking of weight lifting, after Sundays session I was in some pain much so that I teeter tottered back and forth on taking the day off. I already knew I was going to run my miles at the gym due to weather (HOT! OUT OF CONTROL HUMIDITY!) so I talked myself into just going and seeing how it felt. My whole upper body hurt so much that I wasn't sure I could move my arms enough to run! But within no time at all on the treadmill I was trucking along like nothing!
I am still a little sore this morning, mainly in my shoulders and triceps, but much, much better than yesterday!
I am really enjoying my new gym! So glad I snagged that free membership! I really like the people there, and that the main focus is on working out, and not anything more. Yes people talk to you, but I dont mind it like I normally do because ... well its just different than any other gym I've ever been to, which is awesome.
I started the prep work for the dish I make every year for Thanksgiving (my heart is SO SO SO heavy this year; I miss you Momma!!!), and I am looking forward to seeing at least part of my family on Thursday. None of us are that up for holidays this year, but I am glad that we aren't totally scrapping the holiday altogether.
As far as a Turkey Trot for me on Thursday I have decided that if I wake up and there is time to dress, drive and register then that's what I will do. If I don't then I will dress and walk out my front door and just run in the quietness that seems to accompany Thanksgiving morning in the city...
I think it is really important that when one makes a new start in their life, in whatever direction ... that if necessary, all doors, windows and openings are securely closed. Because of this blog, and in one particular situation, I never felt like that was the case as I felt like someone no longer in my life still had 'access' and it bothered me so much on some occasions that I would vent about it to one of my friends who always gave me the same advice: ask them to STOP reading.
I took a step finally in that direction and while I hated to do it (which I felt weird doing prior because it is the internet and it is public), it came out pretty easily...and within 1 second of the words being 'said' I felt so much better! I still wonder though...will I see those peeks through the few IP's that I know belong to them or someone else close to them...if so, so be it...but it keeps me from posting some things and some pictures some of the time and I would like to think that they will honor my wish...and if not...oh well... anyway, like I said ... a weight lifted!
Speaking of weight lifting, after Sundays session I was in some pain much so that I teeter tottered back and forth on taking the day off. I already knew I was going to run my miles at the gym due to weather (HOT! OUT OF CONTROL HUMIDITY!) so I talked myself into just going and seeing how it felt. My whole upper body hurt so much that I wasn't sure I could move my arms enough to run! But within no time at all on the treadmill I was trucking along like nothing!
I am still a little sore this morning, mainly in my shoulders and triceps, but much, much better than yesterday!
I am really enjoying my new gym! So glad I snagged that free membership! I really like the people there, and that the main focus is on working out, and not anything more. Yes people talk to you, but I dont mind it like I normally do because ... well its just different than any other gym I've ever been to, which is awesome.
I started the prep work for the dish I make every year for Thanksgiving (my heart is SO SO SO heavy this year; I miss you Momma!!!), and I am looking forward to seeing at least part of my family on Thursday. None of us are that up for holidays this year, but I am glad that we aren't totally scrapping the holiday altogether.
As far as a Turkey Trot for me on Thursday I have decided that if I wake up and there is time to dress, drive and register then that's what I will do. If I don't then I will dress and walk out my front door and just run in the quietness that seems to accompany Thanksgiving morning in the city...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Its The Most Fattening Time of the Year!
I swear every segment on any talk show or any blog you read, and even headlines on main pages like MSN or your local television station, is about holiday weight gain.
This means I am not going to cover it. I did last year. Here it is in a nutshell.
Don't eat so much.
Oh and don't use the blah blah blah about how you aren't going to worry about it until after the first of the year...because its all a bunch of malarky.
OK, now that we have that out of the way...
In other news, and I apologize in advance for the randomness of this post, I have been so damn busy I can't see straight. I worked the Turkey Trot packet pick up this weekend, both days...(work just ONE day there and then you would know one of the reasons why I loathe this race). And on top of that, I ran that crappy run on Saturday, worked 8+ hours at the store, then got my ass up early on Sunday morning to fit in a work out at the gym before going back for 5 more hours at the store...
So basically what I am trying to say is a) I'm exhausted and b) my body hurts so much (from the workout yesterday) that its just beyond horrible. I cannot believe I managed to do this to myself yesterday (no Kyle involved). Holy shit. But the running must go on!!! I think I'm staying off the weights until Wednesday when Kyle gets a hold of me again. :)
Buuuuuuuuuuut on the bright side? When I put on my 'skinny' jeans this morning, all the back to clean eating has definitely paid off (yes they fit just fine! Although I prefer them to be baggier than they are right now)...Now just to actually see that reflected on the scale (back to 117 or bust dammit!) and I need to see a lot (a LOT) more muscle...Yes, Kyle, I have the 'look' I'm going for and between you and me, we're gettin' there you hear me?!?!??! :O)
Then to top it all off thinking what an easy week this was going to be at No. Its been ballz to the wallz since I got here and its just not fair!!!!!!!!!
And I still havent decided if I am going to actually run the Turkey Trot (down in Sugarland) or not... :O)
Are you running in one???
Oh and since there seems to be zero interest in the Gatorade Chew giveaway, I guess I should just scrap it and keep them for myself!!!!!!
OK, back to work I go!!!!!!!!! No rest for the weary!
This means I am not going to cover it. I did last year. Here it is in a nutshell.
Don't eat so much.
Oh and don't use the blah blah blah about how you aren't going to worry about it until after the first of the year...because its all a bunch of malarky.
OK, now that we have that out of the way...
In other news, and I apologize in advance for the randomness of this post, I have been so damn busy I can't see straight. I worked the Turkey Trot packet pick up this weekend, both days...(work just ONE day there and then you would know one of the reasons why I loathe this race). And on top of that, I ran that crappy run on Saturday, worked 8+ hours at the store, then got my ass up early on Sunday morning to fit in a work out at the gym before going back for 5 more hours at the store...
So basically what I am trying to say is a) I'm exhausted and b) my body hurts so much (from the workout yesterday) that its just beyond horrible. I cannot believe I managed to do this to myself yesterday (no Kyle involved). Holy shit. But the running must go on!!! I think I'm staying off the weights until Wednesday when Kyle gets a hold of me again. :)
Buuuuuuuuuuut on the bright side? When I put on my 'skinny' jeans this morning, all the back to clean eating has definitely paid off (yes they fit just fine! Although I prefer them to be baggier than they are right now)...Now just to actually see that reflected on the scale (back to 117 or bust dammit!) and I need to see a lot (a LOT) more muscle...Yes, Kyle, I have the 'look' I'm going for and between you and me, we're gettin' there you hear me?!?!??! :O)
Then to top it all off thinking what an easy week this was going to be at No. Its been ballz to the wallz since I got here and its just not fair!!!!!!!!!
And I still havent decided if I am going to actually run the Turkey Trot (down in Sugarland) or not... :O)
Are you running in one???
Oh and since there seems to be zero interest in the Gatorade Chew giveaway, I guess I should just scrap it and keep them for myself!!!!!!
OK, back to work I go!!!!!!!!! No rest for the weary!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Kenyan Way Long Run (Taper) - 12 Miles
Starting temp: 66deg
Humidity: 77%
Ending temp: 70deg
Ugh. That's all I have to say about the freakin frackin weather...By the time I started with the group I was already completely drenched from sweat.
Nothing interesting to report about todays run other than it was just hot. I hated every step of it. At least I kept a good pace throughout but not without a lot of effort on my part. I don't have the Garmin hooked up to see the splits, but I know I kept the pace at about 10:20-10:40.
Honestly though I can't say enough about how horrible and OVER I am with this craptastic shitwreck of weather we keep getting hit with.
The end.
Humidity: 77%
Ending temp: 70deg
Ugh. That's all I have to say about the freakin frackin weather...By the time I started with the group I was already completely drenched from sweat.
Nothing interesting to report about todays run other than it was just hot. I hated every step of it. At least I kept a good pace throughout but not without a lot of effort on my part. I don't have the Garmin hooked up to see the splits, but I know I kept the pace at about 10:20-10:40.
Honestly though I can't say enough about how horrible and OVER I am with this craptastic shitwreck of weather we keep getting hit with.
The end.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Product Review - Gatorade G Series Carb Energy Chews
Last weekend on my 21 miler I mentioned that I had grabbed a gel from my stash that was just downright nasty and I couldn't even ingest it (ClifShot Double Espresso for the record), therefore I was down some calories for the long run.
Thankfully when I got back to base for Kenyan Way, there were boxes of packages of Gatorade G Series Carb Energy Chews - Orange (yum! I love all things orange!) Each package contains 4 chews. I don't like chews normally because they aren't that easy to carry on a run (unless you use a SpiBelt or something), and I find it difficult to actually chew them while running and they always seem to stick in my teeth.
Since I was at base, I opened a package and ate one. Yum! They are a thinner consistency and were easy to chew. I ate 2 of them before taking off again. Then ate the last 2 when I was about 2 miles from home. I thought they gave me just enough oomph, which was what I needed at the time! The packaging for transport is unfortunate, but you could take them out and put in a snack sized baggie for easier handling while on the run! I'm actually going to do that for tomorrows run.
I really liked them a lot and was glad that I had stuffed 2 other packages into the tiny pockets on my shorts :)
One Package: 4 chews
Calories: 120
Carbs: 31
Sugars: 21
Yeah I don't like the high sugar, but it is what it is and lets face it when you are out there on a long run, you need the boost. I certainly wouldnt take these, just like I dont eat gels on runs shorter than 10 miles, but thats just me. If a person needs it, a person needs it, no matter the distance. I am a firm believer though that a person can go 10 miles with minimum intake of calories if you eat something beforehand. Even if its just a banana. Or lets say, a PopTart. :O)
When I went into Luke's on Sunday for a shift, I figured out where the boxes at KW had come from. Luke's had oodles of them and had dropped some off for the Saturday runners. I grabbed a ton of the packets and would like to offer 5 packages of them off as a giveaway!
So to have the 5 packets sent to the one and only YOU! the following applies:
- Be a follower (leave one comment as to that)
- Tweet it (separate comment) linking this post
- Facebook it (separate comment) linking this post
- Leave a comment as to your go to nutrition on long runs (separate comment)
Good luck!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Gobble? Gobble?
To race or not to race that is the question....
I really loathe the Turkey Trot. Its a bazillion people, mostly families, with Grandma, PawPaw and baby strollers. If you want to have a good finishing time you have to line up with the local elites at the front and even then you still get people in front of you or beside you who clearly shouldnt be. And I do realize that I am one of them, but if I start back where I should be, it would take me all day and all the weaving in and out just totally defeats the purpose (for me).
I think the last time I ran this was in 2009, and I only did the 5K (1st year it was timed). It would have been an easy PR, but since they called the course short (by many of the local elites complaining) it ended up being a 3 Miler instead of a 5K. And yes my Garmin showed short as well; they had marked one of the turns a street too soon. My time was 25:50.
Now they have changed the Start and Finish lines and from what I heard about last year was it was a mess at the 10K/5K merge. The 5K starts a half hour later, which means if you are running the 10K its a cluster ... I dont know if the logistics have been worked out this year, which is why I am so hesitant to commit...
But the weather...oh the looks to be perfect for a short race distance and a possible PR..maybe at either distance I chose.
I would like to do the 10K since I can't even remember the last time I did a 10K (or a 5K for that matter), and I would like to PR. The 10K is also more appealing for the price and just the headache of dealing with all those people...
What say you?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Here June, Let Me Hand You Your Ass
I was supposed to have my first session with Kyle yesterday, but he called me at work and asked if we could reschedule for today instead. I was beat down and tired, so it actually was a relief and I took it as a sign to take it easy. Which is exactly what I did.
So today after work, I hit the gym and since our session wasnt starting until 5:30 I hit the treadmill for an hour run. They were having an open house of sorts, so when I was done I went outside to find him and he was sitting on the platform of the dunk tank (yes they were letting customers get back at their trainers by trying to dunk them in the tank). There was another trainer trying to drop Kyle and was missing, so all of a sudden the dude ran forward and pushed the level and down Kyle went.
Now I would be remiss if I didnt mention that when I walked outside and saw Kyle sitting there in a wifebeater that my knees didnt go weak. I had only seen him in a full tshirt and while I could definitely still tell he was in great shape, now it was confirmed in spades. He walked over and I told him I would just wait inside while he changed :)
This is where things got real interesting and it was the beginning of something I was not expecting. We began with just some warm up stuff and when he picked up the small 3 lb weights inside my head, I laughed. Yes it had been almost 3 months since I had done strength training but I'm in good shape. :/
While it wasn't hard, it wasnt easy either. By the time he had me stop with these first 2 warmups, my rotater cuffs were screaming. Then we hit the chin up bar.
What? Um, yeah I can't do those. I've never even tried that.
Get up there.
At first, he put the resistance on 20. Um, thats easy enough to do I said. Nice and slow, give me 20. Then I got down and he put it on 14. Um. OK, thats not so easy dude. But thankfully he only had me go to 10 and I have to tell you #9 and #10 were HARD.
He then put it back at 20 and had me do it a different way, then back to 14. Then he had me do a different move where it works more of the triceps. OMG. I was dying. Then we hit up a tricep machine and at the end of those sets my arms were shaking.
We moved on to some chest exercises, then more triceps with a move that also incorporated biceps, shoulders and back. A few of the times he had me do something called 'negatives' where you set the weight on an amount you can't possibly do an entire rep of, so the trainer helps you on the out, and then lets go and you have to bring it back. Holy shit.
He manuevered me through some machines and some free weights (about 50/50 I would guess).
And on and on we went before he took me upstairs for abs.
OMG how I haaaaaaaaaaaaate abs. After abs, we hit the kettlebells which I have never done and basically by the time it was all said and done I thought I was going to just drop to the damn ground in a puddle of sweat.
While it was harder than hell, I secretly was loving every second of it. On the way back downstairs he asked if I wanted another session this week? Um, no. Lets just go for next week. :)
So my next session is next Wednesday which thinking about it now, might be detrimental if I decide to race the Turkey Trot on Thursday. :)
I know that on Friday the DOMS will have set in, but I'm pretty certain that by Saturdays run I should be golden. Yes it was all upper body, but you know...a person uses their upper body quite a bit when running :) I am just thankful its a short 14 miles this week :O)
So suffice it to say, 'it's on like Donkey Kong. :O)
So today after work, I hit the gym and since our session wasnt starting until 5:30 I hit the treadmill for an hour run. They were having an open house of sorts, so when I was done I went outside to find him and he was sitting on the platform of the dunk tank (yes they were letting customers get back at their trainers by trying to dunk them in the tank). There was another trainer trying to drop Kyle and was missing, so all of a sudden the dude ran forward and pushed the level and down Kyle went.
Now I would be remiss if I didnt mention that when I walked outside and saw Kyle sitting there in a wifebeater that my knees didnt go weak. I had only seen him in a full tshirt and while I could definitely still tell he was in great shape, now it was confirmed in spades. He walked over and I told him I would just wait inside while he changed :)
This is where things got real interesting and it was the beginning of something I was not expecting. We began with just some warm up stuff and when he picked up the small 3 lb weights inside my head, I laughed. Yes it had been almost 3 months since I had done strength training but I'm in good shape. :/
While it wasn't hard, it wasnt easy either. By the time he had me stop with these first 2 warmups, my rotater cuffs were screaming. Then we hit the chin up bar.
What? Um, yeah I can't do those. I've never even tried that.
Get up there.
At first, he put the resistance on 20. Um, thats easy enough to do I said. Nice and slow, give me 20. Then I got down and he put it on 14. Um. OK, thats not so easy dude. But thankfully he only had me go to 10 and I have to tell you #9 and #10 were HARD.
He then put it back at 20 and had me do it a different way, then back to 14. Then he had me do a different move where it works more of the triceps. OMG. I was dying. Then we hit up a tricep machine and at the end of those sets my arms were shaking.
We moved on to some chest exercises, then more triceps with a move that also incorporated biceps, shoulders and back. A few of the times he had me do something called 'negatives' where you set the weight on an amount you can't possibly do an entire rep of, so the trainer helps you on the out, and then lets go and you have to bring it back. Holy shit.
He manuevered me through some machines and some free weights (about 50/50 I would guess).
And on and on we went before he took me upstairs for abs.
OMG how I haaaaaaaaaaaaate abs. After abs, we hit the kettlebells which I have never done and basically by the time it was all said and done I thought I was going to just drop to the damn ground in a puddle of sweat.
While it was harder than hell, I secretly was loving every second of it. On the way back downstairs he asked if I wanted another session this week? Um, no. Lets just go for next week. :)
So my next session is next Wednesday which thinking about it now, might be detrimental if I decide to race the Turkey Trot on Thursday. :)
I know that on Friday the DOMS will have set in, but I'm pretty certain that by Saturdays run I should be golden. Yes it was all upper body, but you know...a person uses their upper body quite a bit when running :) I am just thankful its a short 14 miles this week :O)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Product Review - New Balance 1400 - Womens
With the minimalist movement in full stride, some runners are making the switch while many runners are asking questions and are on the fence. As with everything in my life, I am moving more and more towards minimalism, even though I will never be one of those runners that can run more than 10K probably in a minimalist shoe. I wouldn't be able to walk for a week afterwards!
If you’re one of those runners that want to make the switch, but aren’t ready to make the switch to a true barefoot running shoe, I suggest transitioning a lightweight trainer or adding a lightweight trainer to your running shoe collection. These are my 2nd pair of not only minimalist shoes, but 2nd pair of New Balance. I think they are definitely on to something. (My first pair being the Minimus; not sure where the PR is for that one as I couldnt locate it on my blog).
Using a lightweight trainer or racing flat gives you a little cushion so you can ease your way into forefoot running instead of making a significant change in running your form in a short amount of time. Now I’m not saying making a drastic change isn’t good for you, you just need to ease your way into it.
The New Balance RC 1400 is in the racing flat category, which typically has shoe characteristics of being lightweight and not having a lot of support or cushioning. Sound familiar? It should if you’ve been paying attention to any of the past minimalist running shoe claims for the past couple of years.
From New Balance: The RC 1400 weighs in at 7.1 oz. for the men’s shoe and 5.7 oz. for the women’s shoe. Compared to the standard running shoe that weighs between 9-12 oz., this is a fairly significant amount of weight taken off a shoe. The midsole is comprised of foam called REV lite which is lighter than traditional EVA foam and provides plenty of bounce, or response. For most runners, you won’t notice a significant difference compared to other EVA foams used. The upper of the New Balance RC 1400 is very minimal is design. Instead of having multiple layers of mesh, the upper in the RC 1400 has one single layer of mesh. This helps cut down on weight and bulk.
One of the downsides to consider when using a lightweight trainer or racing flat as an everyday running shoe is the life of the shoe. Since the original design of the shoe was to go fast and be lightweight, durability and longevity sometimes takes a back seat.
If you’re one of those runners that want to make the switch, but aren’t ready to make the switch to a true barefoot running shoe, I suggest transitioning a lightweight trainer or adding a lightweight trainer to your running shoe collection. These are my 2nd pair of not only minimalist shoes, but 2nd pair of New Balance. I think they are definitely on to something. (My first pair being the Minimus; not sure where the PR is for that one as I couldnt locate it on my blog).
Using a lightweight trainer or racing flat gives you a little cushion so you can ease your way into forefoot running instead of making a significant change in running your form in a short amount of time. Now I’m not saying making a drastic change isn’t good for you, you just need to ease your way into it.
The New Balance RC 1400 is in the racing flat category, which typically has shoe characteristics of being lightweight and not having a lot of support or cushioning. Sound familiar? It should if you’ve been paying attention to any of the past minimalist running shoe claims for the past couple of years.
From New Balance: The RC 1400 weighs in at 7.1 oz. for the men’s shoe and 5.7 oz. for the women’s shoe. Compared to the standard running shoe that weighs between 9-12 oz., this is a fairly significant amount of weight taken off a shoe. The midsole is comprised of foam called REV lite which is lighter than traditional EVA foam and provides plenty of bounce, or response. For most runners, you won’t notice a significant difference compared to other EVA foams used. The upper of the New Balance RC 1400 is very minimal is design. Instead of having multiple layers of mesh, the upper in the RC 1400 has one single layer of mesh. This helps cut down on weight and bulk.
One of the downsides to consider when using a lightweight trainer or racing flat as an everyday running shoe is the life of the shoe. Since the original design of the shoe was to go fast and be lightweight, durability and longevity sometimes takes a back seat.
I personally found the New Balance RC 1400 running shoe to be a fun shoe to run in. It’s light, comfortable, I can log a shorter run in them (definitely not anything over 10K for me in these things!), and they would definitely turn heads with the fluorescent color patterns being used.
The RC 1400s will be a great travel shoe because they are so flexible, light weight, and take up virtually no room in your bag. I can bend them in two and smash down in a carry on, no problem. The upper is seamless and has a nice snug, but not overly tight wrap for my average width foot. There is plenty of room in the toe box without feeling too clunky. My only beef is with the tongue (no joke intended), which has a habit of rolling up on itself while in use and creating some bunching when worn with socks.
I also got a pair of new Nikes this past weekend, which haven't even hit the shelves yet. The name/style of them escapes me right now, but I have the box in the car and I have only worn them for a few hours while working at the store on Sunday, so no review yet.
These are touted as a cross trainer, so I will be trying them out in the gym on non-running days (do those even exist?) :)
One of the perks of the job, even at part time, I still get cool things for free!!!
What is something new you've tried and liked? Or disliked? I am always looking for something new and exciting in the running arena! Shoes. Shorts. Tops. Nutrition. Anything?
I also got a pair of new Nikes this past weekend, which haven't even hit the shelves yet. The name/style of them escapes me right now, but I have the box in the car and I have only worn them for a few hours while working at the store on Sunday, so no review yet.
These are touted as a cross trainer, so I will be trying them out in the gym on non-running days (do those even exist?) :)
One of the perks of the job, even at part time, I still get cool things for free!!!
What is something new you've tried and liked? Or disliked? I am always looking for something new and exciting in the running arena! Shoes. Shorts. Tops. Nutrition. Anything?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Just Released! - Chevron/Aramco Marathon and Half Marathon 2012 Medals
Oh my goodness, how much do I looooooooooooooove the Chevron Houston Marathon 2012 medal?
Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love me some bling, but this is blingidy blingidy blingidy bling bling bling!!!
I can't say that I like the half medal, I mean its OK, but it looks JUST like my Chicago 2011 medal, other than its different colors obviously.
So Let It Be Written - Operation 'My Body is a Wonderland' 2012 Has Commenced
This morning, before even getting in the shower, I slid into my tiniest pair of yoga shorts and a sports bra.
And not to do yoga.
But to take the 'before' pictures.
Um. No I am not posting them here.
Yet. I will eventually. Probably after a month and I take a new set. I will be taking pictures along the way to track the progress visually. At least in a 2D format.
However, while I was less than thrilled at what the images looked like, its not THAT horrible.
Well it kinda is, but thats my perception I suppose. And going off pictures from a year ago, or heck even back in May I was rockin' it while at Bay to Breakers...yeah, not my finest moment this morning.
The bed head alone was enough to make a person shriek!
It is very obvious that the mid section is the place where all things go to hide.
Guess there really is something to this 'age' thing. Just makes it so much more obvious that it becomes a bit more work involved as you age.
When I met with Kyle last week, based on my age, height and weight (which I estimated), he came up with a generalized number of 1,250 BMR. As we discussed this is for a normal woman by age etc., not taking into consideration my hypothyroidism which could minimally or drastically make that number less than 1,250.
Without have metabolic testing done, I cannot be sure, but the meds seem to be doing the trick in all other areas so we assume that at the worst, it might be 1,100.
So, after all the picture taking, I was about to hop in the shower and there before me was my digital scale. The scale I hadn't been on in forever. The last time I was on there though, I was 117. That number was a long time ago. The last time I saw that number was October 2010. May 2011 was 120.
Marathon training and the fact that I was ingesting massive amounts of carbs without even thinking twice about it (and when I knew better), slowly made its presence known. And WAY more than the 110g's Kyle has aggregated for me.
While 117 is my happy place, I am generally ok with 119, or even 120, but below 120 is always better.
I knew that the last 2 weeks I had made some progress, but I wouldnt know how much because this was the first time I had gotten on the scale. And when I told Kyle '124'ish last week, I thought that was probably being optimistic at the time.
Well besides the before photos, I wanted a number to go along with them.
So I stripped down and hopped on.
I was actually nervous to look down and just prayed for a split second 'please be under 125' 'please be under 125'...
And there before me, a number below 125.
As I said it could have been a lot worse, and I shudder to think what it was 2 weeks ago!
I know I will see a bit of an increase for the first week or two of slowly adding back in strength training, but I am hoping all the running counteracts that when it comes to the number on the scale. I am not sure how that works, but again...I'm hoping it does!
Short term goal A:
December 2 - 122lbs
Have a least one decent DWR photo that I am not embarrassed to post on my blog without paying for it :O)
So there ya's Go! time...
Speaking of Hunger...
I put off reading this book for a long time, but recently bought the Trilogy on Kindle. From page 1 I haven't been able to put The Hunger Games down...I wanted to read it before the movie came out...and today the first official trailer for the film due out in March 2012 was released.
I hope the film is just as awesome as the book!!!
But I also found this one:
But I also found this one:
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Kenyan Way Long Run - 21 Miles
Starting temp: 57
Ending temp: 70
I know its hard to complain when the last time I did 21 miles, it was hotter than crap, but well it was just WARM this morning. The humidity was what was the culprit. Thankfully though this time around instead of starting the run at 4am, I started at 5am. Much better.
I decided yesterday that I would indeed just start from home, run to base, then do the route, and then of course run back home. Even though I was spooked big time last weekend out there by myself in the early hours, I felt relatively comfortable running the 4 miles between home and the KW base. I made sure that a lot of people knew when I was leaving, and that if I wasnt at base by a certain time...I only encountered 2 bums, 1 of which scared the bejeezus out of me because I didnt see him till almost the last minute and I quickly crossed the road to the other side. Then while running down WashAve, I encountered 3 drunk boys, one of which did try and grab my arm, but I have a mean quickstep and I avoided him. He was so drunk that I could have taken him no problem. :) After thinking about it though, all 3 of them could have jumped me and I wouldnt have stood a chance. When I saw them coming towards me it was too late for me to cross the street, but I should have gotten off the sidewalk, but whatever.
This long run was also about 30 minutes shorter than the last 21miler. Or was it just a 20 miler back then? Oh well, anyway, it was right at 4 hours which didnt include the 15min I waited at base, or the 15 min once I got back to base before heading back home. I gotta say, its a good thing I did what I did, because forcing myself to have to do those 4 miles home was the right decision. I think the last time I did a long run it was 4:30ish.
I really like this route we had, but with it being only 13 miles, it forced my hand to make adjustments. I am glad to know that for the next 3 weeks I dont have to worry about that since I am again in taper!!! Yay!!!
This route also forced me to take the TCJ bridge 3 times instead of just the one, and there was another 'hill' in the form of an overpass, and then once I was back on Memorial, instead of taking the flat route back down Blossom (so over Blossom already), I ran up Memorial which forced me to do the climb past Starbucks and then the climb again at St. Thomas. So at least I got some 'hill' work in today.
I took a gel when I hit mile 7 then again at mile 13. Then I took some chews at base before heading back home. I am SO glad that they had these chews (a review on them later; they're new), because I had tried to take the other gel I had brought and it was DISGUSTING. I am trying to use up some freebies and this ClifShot double espresso was beyond gross. I spit it out. Because I was short on fuel, I ended up taking in 4oz of Gatorade along the route on 2 separate occasions. Other than that I stuck to water. Even though I dont like that I had to drink Gatorade, at least it wasnt what would probably have amounted to 32oz like I probably was taking in before (if not more especially during the Summer). So much sugar and calories! I am happy to be out of that.
I had also carried my little handheld from home, so I could leave it at base and fill it up when it was time to run home since I knew the sun would be out and it would be hot. Another smart idea!
I have to say that I was so happy when I hit mile 20 and knew I was a mere mile from home. I was run/walking from base (7/1). I immediately filled up the tub with cold water, threw in the ice and got in. I also have to say that I am honestly shocked that I made it to another taper after only 5 weeks since Chicago. I had my doubts. I did not want to run 21 miles today. I did not. I so thought about doing a cut back and doing long next weekend and only having a 2 week taper, but I convinced myself that the sooner I did it, the sooner it would be over with. Again, smart idea. Good thing too because the 7 day forecast calls for even warmer morning temps next Saturday. Ugh.
Now its over and I can relax for the next 3 weeks. I will taper down with 14 next weekend, then 10 the week before Dallas.
Now its time to chill out and hopefully get a much needed good nights sleep. Its been a really long day!
And can I just say again, I have NO idea how so many of these women run in long pants, long sleeves, gloves and what-not. Good grief I would melt into a puddle! You cannot convince me that they arent burning up 3 miles into the run.
Ending temp: 70
I know its hard to complain when the last time I did 21 miles, it was hotter than crap, but well it was just WARM this morning. The humidity was what was the culprit. Thankfully though this time around instead of starting the run at 4am, I started at 5am. Much better.
I decided yesterday that I would indeed just start from home, run to base, then do the route, and then of course run back home. Even though I was spooked big time last weekend out there by myself in the early hours, I felt relatively comfortable running the 4 miles between home and the KW base. I made sure that a lot of people knew when I was leaving, and that if I wasnt at base by a certain time...I only encountered 2 bums, 1 of which scared the bejeezus out of me because I didnt see him till almost the last minute and I quickly crossed the road to the other side. Then while running down WashAve, I encountered 3 drunk boys, one of which did try and grab my arm, but I have a mean quickstep and I avoided him. He was so drunk that I could have taken him no problem. :) After thinking about it though, all 3 of them could have jumped me and I wouldnt have stood a chance. When I saw them coming towards me it was too late for me to cross the street, but I should have gotten off the sidewalk, but whatever.
This long run was also about 30 minutes shorter than the last 21miler. Or was it just a 20 miler back then? Oh well, anyway, it was right at 4 hours which didnt include the 15min I waited at base, or the 15 min once I got back to base before heading back home. I gotta say, its a good thing I did what I did, because forcing myself to have to do those 4 miles home was the right decision. I think the last time I did a long run it was 4:30ish.
I really like this route we had, but with it being only 13 miles, it forced my hand to make adjustments. I am glad to know that for the next 3 weeks I dont have to worry about that since I am again in taper!!! Yay!!!
This route also forced me to take the TCJ bridge 3 times instead of just the one, and there was another 'hill' in the form of an overpass, and then once I was back on Memorial, instead of taking the flat route back down Blossom (so over Blossom already), I ran up Memorial which forced me to do the climb past Starbucks and then the climb again at St. Thomas. So at least I got some 'hill' work in today.
I took a gel when I hit mile 7 then again at mile 13. Then I took some chews at base before heading back home. I am SO glad that they had these chews (a review on them later; they're new), because I had tried to take the other gel I had brought and it was DISGUSTING. I am trying to use up some freebies and this ClifShot double espresso was beyond gross. I spit it out. Because I was short on fuel, I ended up taking in 4oz of Gatorade along the route on 2 separate occasions. Other than that I stuck to water. Even though I dont like that I had to drink Gatorade, at least it wasnt what would probably have amounted to 32oz like I probably was taking in before (if not more especially during the Summer). So much sugar and calories! I am happy to be out of that.
I had also carried my little handheld from home, so I could leave it at base and fill it up when it was time to run home since I knew the sun would be out and it would be hot. Another smart idea!
I have to say that I was so happy when I hit mile 20 and knew I was a mere mile from home. I was run/walking from base (7/1). I immediately filled up the tub with cold water, threw in the ice and got in. I also have to say that I am honestly shocked that I made it to another taper after only 5 weeks since Chicago. I had my doubts. I did not want to run 21 miles today. I did not. I so thought about doing a cut back and doing long next weekend and only having a 2 week taper, but I convinced myself that the sooner I did it, the sooner it would be over with. Again, smart idea. Good thing too because the 7 day forecast calls for even warmer morning temps next Saturday. Ugh.
Now its over and I can relax for the next 3 weeks. I will taper down with 14 next weekend, then 10 the week before Dallas.
Now its time to chill out and hopefully get a much needed good nights sleep. Its been a really long day!
And can I just say again, I have NO idea how so many of these women run in long pants, long sleeves, gloves and what-not. Good grief I would melt into a puddle! You cannot convince me that they arent burning up 3 miles into the run.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Kyle - The Chosen One
Yesterday I had my first 'meeting' with Kyle, the trainer, based on what I wanted to accomplish and what direction I wanted to go in (more on that later), was the one chosen for me.
Remember when I said that all the trainers there scared me? Well apparently they aren't all massive dudes of muscle and over 6 feet tall!
I got to the gym before my 4:30 appointment, changed out of my work clothes and since Kyle wasn't there yet I got on a treadmill and was easy jogging for maybe 5 minutes. I was looking out the window and across the street I saw this big dude getting out of his car, obviously a trainer and I thought to myself "oh hell".
But then a moment or so later I see out of the corner of my eye another guy coming towards me; I took out an earbud to hear him say "June?" to which I responded with "Kyle?"
While Kyle is definitely in shape, he is not in the category of huge, massive or scary. Kyles expertise lies in nutrition/diet and not necessarily in training to be the next incredible Hulk. :O)
But I will say that Kyle is in the category of super cute. Dang a dang dang, I could look at him for h'oooours.
So really I don't want to get too involved with what direction I am migrating to, or what I 'want', for fear of boring you to death, plus I will get into pieces of it as I move along this process.
When Kyle asked some general questions first off, it was clear to him that he was chosen because he best fit my 'needs'. Also I think its pretty obvious that I know what to do as far as working out, eating etc., but I have yet to really find the best mix for me, and well with only myself to hold accountable, I tend to go off and on (also obvious if you've been reading me for any length of time, or personally know me).
I explained to him past eating habits (downfalls), my successes, what always works but for some reason I forget and slip and then fall off the cliff altogether, my routines of fitness for the past 10 years, again what worked and where I failed. And then I told him what I have been doing the past 2 weeks (primal 80/20).
Incidentially on that note, I have noticed a difference the last two weeks, but sometimes I am impatient and have to remember the length of time in 2010 that it took me to what I loved about my body and my health then...and also unfortunately what things made me slipslide back to old ways.
Tomorrow I will probably go ahead and take some 'before' photos even though the REAL work with Kyle won't begin until after Dallas and Houston, but we will be easing into it until then (our first real session is Tuesday). He knows that I have the 2 marathons coming up and what my limitations are there surrounding working out and my diet. Although he did say that with my workouts consisting of only running right now, that carbs indeed are not necessarily the end all to be all. That there is no reason why I cannot continue how I am eating and still run long without carb loading like everyone would have you believe. Remember my last 2 long runs have been in my current primal state with no repercussions, so I know this to be true (at least for me).
Once we start strength training though he said, if I am too low on carbs (and that carbs from vegetables dont count; more on this later), then I will see a drastic drop in performance when strength training.
According to Kyle, he would like to see my percentages at 126/110/35. Protein/Carbs/Fat. 126g's of protein is a lot, but I can do it! Especially with primal. I will tell you right now, I am no where near 110g's of carbs a day. Especially since he says I cant count vegetable carbs towards that 110. Based on that all I get is carbs from the fruit I eat, which isnt that much! An apple/banana a day, and every now and then fruit/protein smoothie. I am afraid in January he is going to convince me to re-introduce brown rice to my diet. :O(
I want to take the opportunity here to let you all in on something; Corn, beans and potatoes ARE not vegetables.
Corn is a grain.
Beans are legumes.
Potatoes are I dont know what, but they aren't vegetables. Especially when in the form of french fries or tater tots. However, my indulgence for french fries from time to time will still happen. Moderation here people. I wont go without french fries or cake... not. gonna. happen. :O)
And all 3 of these are not good for your insides or your outsides!!
Thats right, on Primal, I am not eating any of those things (see the french fry rule though). I did eat a few green beans that were in my salad the other night, but I am mostly speaking of pinto, black, navy, so on and so forth.
And corn? Corn (grain) is what they feed to animals to make them fatter faster to get them to slaughter! Anyway, I just wanted to get all of that out. I will never in my life eat corn or beans again. Potatoes, eh, in moderation if an occasion and will pick sweet potatoes over white.
Kyle and I spent most of our time talking about food choices etc., then I asked him to show me around the grounds and he introduced me to the stairmill which I have never used, but hear horror stories, but also see what obviously great results people get from using them.
We will not be introducing the stairmill until after Houston. My legs could not take that thing and run.
I won't go into what my goals are, but obviously my middle section is my 'situation' and I asked him point blank if my age and hypothyroidism would prevent me from my goals? He said absolutely not. That honestly (and I already knew this) that for me to get where I want to be, it comes down to what I put in my mouth. I know this to be true because last year when I succeeded thats what it all came down to.
However, on top of that, I have a few other goals and again, he assured me that its entirely possible with the right attitude and the right work ethic.
I think Kyle and I are going to do big things together. I am so excited for Tuesday!
Are you already working on 2012 goals in the fitness category? I have a feeling its gonna be awesome.
Remember when I said that all the trainers there scared me? Well apparently they aren't all massive dudes of muscle and over 6 feet tall!
I got to the gym before my 4:30 appointment, changed out of my work clothes and since Kyle wasn't there yet I got on a treadmill and was easy jogging for maybe 5 minutes. I was looking out the window and across the street I saw this big dude getting out of his car, obviously a trainer and I thought to myself "oh hell".
But then a moment or so later I see out of the corner of my eye another guy coming towards me; I took out an earbud to hear him say "June?" to which I responded with "Kyle?"
While Kyle is definitely in shape, he is not in the category of huge, massive or scary. Kyles expertise lies in nutrition/diet and not necessarily in training to be the next incredible Hulk. :O)
But I will say that Kyle is in the category of super cute. Dang a dang dang, I could look at him for h'oooours.
So really I don't want to get too involved with what direction I am migrating to, or what I 'want', for fear of boring you to death, plus I will get into pieces of it as I move along this process.
When Kyle asked some general questions first off, it was clear to him that he was chosen because he best fit my 'needs'. Also I think its pretty obvious that I know what to do as far as working out, eating etc., but I have yet to really find the best mix for me, and well with only myself to hold accountable, I tend to go off and on (also obvious if you've been reading me for any length of time, or personally know me).
I explained to him past eating habits (downfalls), my successes, what always works but for some reason I forget and slip and then fall off the cliff altogether, my routines of fitness for the past 10 years, again what worked and where I failed. And then I told him what I have been doing the past 2 weeks (primal 80/20).
Incidentially on that note, I have noticed a difference the last two weeks, but sometimes I am impatient and have to remember the length of time in 2010 that it took me to what I loved about my body and my health then...and also unfortunately what things made me slipslide back to old ways.
Tomorrow I will probably go ahead and take some 'before' photos even though the REAL work with Kyle won't begin until after Dallas and Houston, but we will be easing into it until then (our first real session is Tuesday). He knows that I have the 2 marathons coming up and what my limitations are there surrounding working out and my diet. Although he did say that with my workouts consisting of only running right now, that carbs indeed are not necessarily the end all to be all. That there is no reason why I cannot continue how I am eating and still run long without carb loading like everyone would have you believe. Remember my last 2 long runs have been in my current primal state with no repercussions, so I know this to be true (at least for me).
Once we start strength training though he said, if I am too low on carbs (and that carbs from vegetables dont count; more on this later), then I will see a drastic drop in performance when strength training.
According to Kyle, he would like to see my percentages at 126/110/35. Protein/Carbs/Fat. 126g's of protein is a lot, but I can do it! Especially with primal. I will tell you right now, I am no where near 110g's of carbs a day. Especially since he says I cant count vegetable carbs towards that 110. Based on that all I get is carbs from the fruit I eat, which isnt that much! An apple/banana a day, and every now and then fruit/protein smoothie. I am afraid in January he is going to convince me to re-introduce brown rice to my diet. :O(
I want to take the opportunity here to let you all in on something; Corn, beans and potatoes ARE not vegetables.
Corn is a grain.
Beans are legumes.
Potatoes are I dont know what, but they aren't vegetables. Especially when in the form of french fries or tater tots. However, my indulgence for french fries from time to time will still happen. Moderation here people. I wont go without french fries or cake... not. gonna. happen. :O)
And all 3 of these are not good for your insides or your outsides!!
Thats right, on Primal, I am not eating any of those things (see the french fry rule though). I did eat a few green beans that were in my salad the other night, but I am mostly speaking of pinto, black, navy, so on and so forth.
And corn? Corn (grain) is what they feed to animals to make them fatter faster to get them to slaughter! Anyway, I just wanted to get all of that out. I will never in my life eat corn or beans again. Potatoes, eh, in moderation if an occasion and will pick sweet potatoes over white.
Kyle and I spent most of our time talking about food choices etc., then I asked him to show me around the grounds and he introduced me to the stairmill which I have never used, but hear horror stories, but also see what obviously great results people get from using them.
We will not be introducing the stairmill until after Houston. My legs could not take that thing and run.
I won't go into what my goals are, but obviously my middle section is my 'situation' and I asked him point blank if my age and hypothyroidism would prevent me from my goals? He said absolutely not. That honestly (and I already knew this) that for me to get where I want to be, it comes down to what I put in my mouth. I know this to be true because last year when I succeeded thats what it all came down to.
However, on top of that, I have a few other goals and again, he assured me that its entirely possible with the right attitude and the right work ethic.
I think Kyle and I are going to do big things together. I am so excited for Tuesday!
Are you already working on 2012 goals in the fitness category? I have a feeling its gonna be awesome.
- obviously I am! Oh and I signed up for Seattle today!!! :O) I would have signed up for Vegas as well, but they werent included in the 11-11-11 special of RnR $20 thingamabob. They dont even have Vegas 2012 on the list yet.
Weekend Motivation
This is all the motivation I need for tomorrows long run (20 miles; maybe 21 if I decide to run from home, do the route and then run back). Thanks Cely for this new addition to my playlist!
I have FloRida already on my iPod, but not this one!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Hey Baby Let's Go To Vegas....
Back in October I posted about my 2012 destination races here. And I believe that Jamoosh guessed correctly on both ...
Yesterday was my sister's birthday, so I drove out to meet the family for dinner (after a very long, very exhausting, very busy day) where I brought up Vegas for 2012.
You see I come from a line of Vegas/gambler folk. From when I was a teenager, spending 2 weeks of every Summer vacation there with Mom and Dad (both avid gamblers) and then that continuing over after graduation, going once or twice a year with them, to finally when I was 25 years young, I loaded up the truck and moved myself and my little heaping of 25yr old belongings (which all fit in the back of a small Toyota truck). I lived there for 7 years, only moving back because I thought if I stayed any longer my life expectancy was going to be greatly reduced...
I went back twice after moving back to Texas, but its been a long time. I can't even remember the last time I went. Friends moved away and I lost contact with so many others after I left. I only wish that I could track down my best friend from those years, but so far I havent had any luck. We lost track after she came down here for my Dads funeral in 1995.
My nephew goes a lot with his wife, and my sister and her husband go ever so often, but my nephew is a card shark and can play (and beat your ass) at poker like no one I have ever seen before. When he goes, it is not unusual for him to come home anywhere from $5K to $10K more in his pocket than when they got there.
He definitely got the poker playing gene from my daddy. Me however, I suck at it because I can't control my facial expressions. At all. Once my dad figured that out, he focused on teaching me how to shoot pool. Now that I am good at.
So last night while we were all at dinner, my nephew asked if I had any marathons coming up and we chatted a bit about all of that, and I figured it was my perfect opportunity to let the family in on why I had chosen Vegas for a 2012 race.
I proceeded to let them in on my plan and that all along I knew that if I said I was going to Vegas to run, that they would all go with me. And I was right. They were over the moon and were like "yes! yes! yes!"
They especially liked that the race is early evening and that I am choosing to run the half and not the full. This way none of them have to get up early and then after I am done everyone can go back to gambling and what-not. :O) My sister has seen me run 2 marathons and my brother in law came with her once, and they both really enjoy spectating at races so that makes me happy.
While I am excited as hell about running the half in Vegas, due to the fact that I hope to smash my PR (currently stands at 2:06:58) at that distance, and I think Vegas is a place where I can do it in a big way, but what I am most excited about is the family trip portion of it! Its just going to be so much fun!!
Do you already know when and where you will be racing in 2012???
Yesterday was my sister's birthday, so I drove out to meet the family for dinner (after a very long, very exhausting, very busy day) where I brought up Vegas for 2012.
You see I come from a line of Vegas/gambler folk. From when I was a teenager, spending 2 weeks of every Summer vacation there with Mom and Dad (both avid gamblers) and then that continuing over after graduation, going once or twice a year with them, to finally when I was 25 years young, I loaded up the truck and moved myself and my little heaping of 25yr old belongings (which all fit in the back of a small Toyota truck). I lived there for 7 years, only moving back because I thought if I stayed any longer my life expectancy was going to be greatly reduced...
I went back twice after moving back to Texas, but its been a long time. I can't even remember the last time I went. Friends moved away and I lost contact with so many others after I left. I only wish that I could track down my best friend from those years, but so far I havent had any luck. We lost track after she came down here for my Dads funeral in 1995.
My nephew goes a lot with his wife, and my sister and her husband go ever so often, but my nephew is a card shark and can play (and beat your ass) at poker like no one I have ever seen before. When he goes, it is not unusual for him to come home anywhere from $5K to $10K more in his pocket than when they got there.
He definitely got the poker playing gene from my daddy. Me however, I suck at it because I can't control my facial expressions. At all. Once my dad figured that out, he focused on teaching me how to shoot pool. Now that I am good at.
So last night while we were all at dinner, my nephew asked if I had any marathons coming up and we chatted a bit about all of that, and I figured it was my perfect opportunity to let the family in on why I had chosen Vegas for a 2012 race.
I proceeded to let them in on my plan and that all along I knew that if I said I was going to Vegas to run, that they would all go with me. And I was right. They were over the moon and were like "yes! yes! yes!"
They especially liked that the race is early evening and that I am choosing to run the half and not the full. This way none of them have to get up early and then after I am done everyone can go back to gambling and what-not. :O) My sister has seen me run 2 marathons and my brother in law came with her once, and they both really enjoy spectating at races so that makes me happy.
While I am excited as hell about running the half in Vegas, due to the fact that I hope to smash my PR (currently stands at 2:06:58) at that distance, and I think Vegas is a place where I can do it in a big way, but what I am most excited about is the family trip portion of it! Its just going to be so much fun!!
Do you already know when and where you will be racing in 2012???
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mother Nature Made Me Do It!
Faced with yet another day of 80 deg temps and today it was 90% humidity (due to storms from an oncoming cold front), AND 17mph winds...I finally, after 2 months of carrying around a copy of my lease in my purse, stopped at the gym that with my lease, gave me a free membership. I just couldn't face yet another gross, hot, sweaty, miserable run in this mess that comes around every 4 days or so till we get another cold front.
Back in early September I had put in to cancel the debit from my paycheck ($29 a month) for the gym there where I work knowing that I was going to get this free membership. While it was convenient and NEVER crowded it was lackluster and plus it wasnt open on weekends!! Fail! Not to mention the 2 people that worked there never seemed interested in assisting anyone should they want advice. They just weren't approachable and when I did see them training someone, I was not impressed.
The gym where I am now a member is simply awesome. First off it is not a chain, and is what most might consider to be a 'serious' gym for 'serious' people who are concerned with one thing. Fitness. They do have bells and whistles, like individual HD tvs on the treadmills and ellipticals!
![]() |
Fuzzy still even though I slowed down to snap a photo with my phone |
The trainers on staff are massive dudes and they kinda scare me, but I have my first session with one on Thursday who specializes in nutrition since thats something I am more interested in. I already know the machines and weights, but I would like help in keeping me on track to lose the fat and gain more muscle, and to put me on a workout regimen that I like and feel like I will benefit from the most.
Additionally they have awesome classes, like all forms of yoga, Zumba, Kick boxing etc., and I am really excited to try some new forms of working out! I think the thing I am most excited about is that their hours are awesome, and that they are open on weekends!!!
Once I got my card, I scooted home, changed clothes and headed back. Thankfully I got there in time to snag a treadmill and got to it. I ran easy on a .5 incline. My legs have just really taken a pounding with all the pavement running the past 2 months not to mention a marathon in there as well, so it felt good. Real good.
I ran for an hour and threw in a tabata session at the end at an 8:15 pace for good measure.
The other thing that made me go ahead and do this is that I havent been wanting to run in the mornings and with the time change and it getting dark at 5:30 I wanted to have an option of hitting the gym/treadmill straight from work.
All in all I think I am really going to enjoy this gym and will post more pictures of the inside when I take my camera next time! :) It truly is an awesome gym! Looking forward to workin' on my fi'ness!
Tis the Season
...not that season (well that season too)...but marathon least the training season for the upcoming marathon here in Houston...
It's at that point in the Houston Marathon training season where the long runs are getting up there (18 miles or so I guess by now; I'm off due to my own wacky training schedule).
We have recently been sent a couple of emails from Coach about the long runs and the holidays...and that while yes, "you go up each week for 3 weeks, then down a week, its ok to drop down a week if you must", and then adding on about how to work this in with holiday schedules etc.
This year, at least for me, since I am doing another marathon before Houston, my long run on Thanksgiving weekend is short. 10 miles. And if I happen to race on Thanksgiving, I might sleep in and just run on my own doing a even shorter than 10 miles. We'll see. A lot of that scenario rests solely on what the weather forecast for Thanksgiving ends up being. :O)
However, this year Christmas falls on a Sunday. Last year, with it being a Saturday, Coach took a poll and everyone had that Friday off, so the long run was moved to Friday by majority vote. Since I had dropped to the half, it didn't matter one way or another to me. I actually went back to look and see what I had done myself, but all I see is this and this so far...So other than that I have no recollection of if I ran on Friday or Saturday! I think I was off work on I must have, just didn't blog about it :O)
Anyway its always a 'situation' that seems to get addressed every year during marathon training season; at least the past few years.
I know the Houston Fit'ers always do their last long run the weekend prior, making it a 4 week taper, but KW doesn't roll that way. I mean, if you want to, you can and I many people will do exactly that after receiving last nights email.
Apparently a lot of emails were being sent inquiring about the KW holiday running schedule, specifically the weekend of Christmas with Christmas Eve falling on long run day...I actually was curious, but not enough to send an email. I figured they might have it on Friday again...or just have it on Saturday as normal. I am taking a week off around that weekend, so I have that Friday off anyway...again when we ended up doing it didn't matter in the least.
So the email comes out letting us know this: The last long run for Houston will indeed be held on Christmas Eve. And frankly I am happy about that!
I am sure there are a lot of people who aren't. Additionally we will have our long run on New Years Eve as well. Not that that one is probably much of an issue as Christmas Eve would be for folks. A lot of people travel out of town for Christmas. Or in the case of this year, just have a lot of last minute things to do! With Christmas Eve on a Saturday I can only imagine the chaos for so many, especially those in retail. So glad I am taking the whole month off from #2!!!
The holidays this year...well let's just say they aren't going to be all that spectacular for our family. Yes we will get together, but I know that it won't be the same and I won't have the guilt, evil eye, or threat of the wrath of Momma to make certain I am going to be in all the places I need to be when I need to be.
I sure wish I did have all of that. While I hated it every year, wanting to be able to just be loosey-goosey on my I know its just going to be a sad, tough 6 weeks until I can get through the new year.
Anyway, now I actually can put my recovery miles in post-DWR and how to incorporate that with another 20 miler three weeks out from Houston.
If you know me at all, you know I have already completed this task :O)
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I cannot wait until this nonsense I have gotten myself into is over. :O)
I will never ever again do back to back to back. Well at least not with so much time in between. To be honest I wouldn't scoff at doing 3 again in a row, but having them spaced out no more than 3-4 weeks.
This 6 or 8 weeks in between is for the birds I tell ya!
Have a marathon or half coming up? How are you planning on working in the long runs around the holidays this year?
It's at that point in the Houston Marathon training season where the long runs are getting up there (18 miles or so I guess by now; I'm off due to my own wacky training schedule).
We have recently been sent a couple of emails from Coach about the long runs and the holidays...and that while yes, "you go up each week for 3 weeks, then down a week, its ok to drop down a week if you must", and then adding on about how to work this in with holiday schedules etc.
This year, at least for me, since I am doing another marathon before Houston, my long run on Thanksgiving weekend is short. 10 miles. And if I happen to race on Thanksgiving, I might sleep in and just run on my own doing a even shorter than 10 miles. We'll see. A lot of that scenario rests solely on what the weather forecast for Thanksgiving ends up being. :O)
However, this year Christmas falls on a Sunday. Last year, with it being a Saturday, Coach took a poll and everyone had that Friday off, so the long run was moved to Friday by majority vote. Since I had dropped to the half, it didn't matter one way or another to me. I actually went back to look and see what I had done myself, but all I see is this and this so far...So other than that I have no recollection of if I ran on Friday or Saturday! I think I was off work on I must have, just didn't blog about it :O)
Anyway its always a 'situation' that seems to get addressed every year during marathon training season; at least the past few years.
I know the Houston Fit'ers always do their last long run the weekend prior, making it a 4 week taper, but KW doesn't roll that way. I mean, if you want to, you can and I many people will do exactly that after receiving last nights email.
Apparently a lot of emails were being sent inquiring about the KW holiday running schedule, specifically the weekend of Christmas with Christmas Eve falling on long run day...I actually was curious, but not enough to send an email. I figured they might have it on Friday again...or just have it on Saturday as normal. I am taking a week off around that weekend, so I have that Friday off anyway...again when we ended up doing it didn't matter in the least.
So the email comes out letting us know this: The last long run for Houston will indeed be held on Christmas Eve. And frankly I am happy about that!
I am sure there are a lot of people who aren't. Additionally we will have our long run on New Years Eve as well. Not that that one is probably much of an issue as Christmas Eve would be for folks. A lot of people travel out of town for Christmas. Or in the case of this year, just have a lot of last minute things to do! With Christmas Eve on a Saturday I can only imagine the chaos for so many, especially those in retail. So glad I am taking the whole month off from #2!!!
The holidays this year...well let's just say they aren't going to be all that spectacular for our family. Yes we will get together, but I know that it won't be the same and I won't have the guilt, evil eye, or threat of the wrath of Momma to make certain I am going to be in all the places I need to be when I need to be.
I sure wish I did have all of that. While I hated it every year, wanting to be able to just be loosey-goosey on my I know its just going to be a sad, tough 6 weeks until I can get through the new year.
Anyway, now I actually can put my recovery miles in post-DWR and how to incorporate that with another 20 miler three weeks out from Houston.
If you know me at all, you know I have already completed this task :O)
And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I cannot wait until this nonsense I have gotten myself into is over. :O)
I will never ever again do back to back to back. Well at least not with so much time in between. To be honest I wouldn't scoff at doing 3 again in a row, but having them spaced out no more than 3-4 weeks.
This 6 or 8 weeks in between is for the birds I tell ya!
Have a marathon or half coming up? How are you planning on working in the long runs around the holidays this year?
Monday, November 7, 2011
No Harm, No Foul (the blog post I probably shouldn't write)
Every once in a while I come out of my 'box' and write something that isn't necessarily PC. It is sure to offend someone (or make them mad/aggravated), but it is not my intent. Its just that sometimes, conversations, thoughts or opinions I have move from a private sort that I might have with one or two people at most, become so annoying to me that I just have to come right out and write about it.
After having a few people I knew run the NYCM yesterday, there was one in particular that I was interested in seeing how they did (and no I wasn't tracker stalking anyone; just either saw a friend of a friend post something on FB about the finishing times, or went and looked up a result or two when their FB walls were silent). Let me preface this with the fact that this particular person is not one of my favorite people to begin with and is a classic example of all that I loathe about people who 'train' for a half or full marathon and just don't seem to grasp the concept of one thing.
You are supposed to run faster on race day than you do in training, otherwise that sign on the fence or the Estimated Finish time on some pull out poster saying X:XX isn't going to freaking happen.
I knew simply running with the 4:15/4:30 group all Summer didn't mean I was going to finish in that time in Chicago. I was upfront that I had not trained like I did the year before, I had a lot of extenuating circumstances/stress this year and I hadn't run nearly enough weekly miles every week, opting to cross train more, so I knew. And I owned it.
I also know that given all of that, had I gotten cold weather on race day I would have actually been pretty darn close, lets fact it I did better than I thought with that 4:42!
Because I know that on race day I need to run 45sec or so faster per mile that I do on Saturdays. That simply running with a particular TRAINING PACE group isnt going to end with that goal finish time.
So my point is this because I see it time and time and time again with a few people actually, where they also train in the 4:30 pace group (or other groups to be honest) and continually finish either in the 2:25-2:35 range for the half (should be closer to 2:10) and always way over the 5 hour mark for a full marathon. But yet always come away with the bewildered look or lingering questions as to why.
I see these people showing up for hills or speed workout like its their job, never missing a single mile off of their schedule and looking down their snooty nose(s) at me and yet...still I manage to become a bit more faster and achieve goals that I havent even really set for myself.
I will be the first one to say that NYCM course is tough. Its a lot of hills, mostly rolling, but you do have sections where it truly sucks. I remember when I was training for NYCM in 2008 I ran A LOT of my training on the 5 mile loop around the bayou, doing many of my long runs which would include anywhere from 2-3 of those 5 mile loops.
Its not like Chicago where you can train on flat routes and be ok with that on race day. NYCM is a different animal altogether. People hill train like crazy for Boston, and anyone will tell you that NYCM is way hillier than Boston.
And because I havent done hills, I can't expect a miracle in Dallas either, because I know that course is hilly. Starting to run hills a month out isn't going to help me either. But I digress.
My point is that regardless of how slow, fast, etc. a person is, one should be realistic. Its ok to be fast. Its ok to be mid-pack and its ok to be slow. Speed is relative to each person.
Bottom line is own up to the fact that you...YOU are the only person responsible for the fact that you probably will never beat X hours at the marathon, and you wont ever beat X hours at the half. You just aren't.
I'm not going to lie either...when I saw her time I laughed my ass off (apparently she also had that friend of hers delete it from Facebook).
Because no matter how much better (of a person) you think you are than me, and no matter how rude or snooty you are...there is one thing I take pleasure in (not a good quality I know) is that I can beat your ass at running.
At the end of the day, what you put in is generally what you are going to get out. Granted one never knows what is going to happen on race day (thats unavoidable!), so even if all your training goes perfectly, there is always the off chance that any number of things can happen out there.
But when you consistently finish in the same times over and over again?
Then its all you. And you need to accept it, or do something differently.
But for the love of God quit pretending like you either don't 'get it', or that its ever going to be any different.
I'd put all my money on the latter.
After having a few people I knew run the NYCM yesterday, there was one in particular that I was interested in seeing how they did (and no I wasn't tracker stalking anyone; just either saw a friend of a friend post something on FB about the finishing times, or went and looked up a result or two when their FB walls were silent). Let me preface this with the fact that this particular person is not one of my favorite people to begin with and is a classic example of all that I loathe about people who 'train' for a half or full marathon and just don't seem to grasp the concept of one thing.
You are supposed to run faster on race day than you do in training, otherwise that sign on the fence or the Estimated Finish time on some pull out poster saying X:XX isn't going to freaking happen.
I knew simply running with the 4:15/4:30 group all Summer didn't mean I was going to finish in that time in Chicago. I was upfront that I had not trained like I did the year before, I had a lot of extenuating circumstances/stress this year and I hadn't run nearly enough weekly miles every week, opting to cross train more, so I knew. And I owned it.
I also know that given all of that, had I gotten cold weather on race day I would have actually been pretty darn close, lets fact it I did better than I thought with that 4:42!
Because I know that on race day I need to run 45sec or so faster per mile that I do on Saturdays. That simply running with a particular TRAINING PACE group isnt going to end with that goal finish time.
So my point is this because I see it time and time and time again with a few people actually, where they also train in the 4:30 pace group (or other groups to be honest) and continually finish either in the 2:25-2:35 range for the half (should be closer to 2:10) and always way over the 5 hour mark for a full marathon. But yet always come away with the bewildered look or lingering questions as to why.
I see these people showing up for hills or speed workout like its their job, never missing a single mile off of their schedule and looking down their snooty nose(s) at me and yet...still I manage to become a bit more faster and achieve goals that I havent even really set for myself.
I will be the first one to say that NYCM course is tough. Its a lot of hills, mostly rolling, but you do have sections where it truly sucks. I remember when I was training for NYCM in 2008 I ran A LOT of my training on the 5 mile loop around the bayou, doing many of my long runs which would include anywhere from 2-3 of those 5 mile loops.
Its not like Chicago where you can train on flat routes and be ok with that on race day. NYCM is a different animal altogether. People hill train like crazy for Boston, and anyone will tell you that NYCM is way hillier than Boston.
And because I havent done hills, I can't expect a miracle in Dallas either, because I know that course is hilly. Starting to run hills a month out isn't going to help me either. But I digress.
My point is that regardless of how slow, fast, etc. a person is, one should be realistic. Its ok to be fast. Its ok to be mid-pack and its ok to be slow. Speed is relative to each person.
Bottom line is own up to the fact that you...YOU are the only person responsible for the fact that you probably will never beat X hours at the marathon, and you wont ever beat X hours at the half. You just aren't.
I'm not going to lie either...when I saw her time I laughed my ass off (apparently she also had that friend of hers delete it from Facebook).
Because no matter how much better (of a person) you think you are than me, and no matter how rude or snooty you are...there is one thing I take pleasure in (not a good quality I know) is that I can beat your ass at running.
At the end of the day, what you put in is generally what you are going to get out. Granted one never knows what is going to happen on race day (thats unavoidable!), so even if all your training goes perfectly, there is always the off chance that any number of things can happen out there.
But when you consistently finish in the same times over and over again?
Then its all you. And you need to accept it, or do something differently.
But for the love of God quit pretending like you either don't 'get it', or that its ever going to be any different.
I'd put all my money on the latter.
What Would You Sell Your Soul For?
I would sell my soul for this man. For just the night? No...It would have to be for at least a week. :O)
And I've never said that about anyone. Real life or not real life.
SNL was awesome this past Saturday no? :O)
He is my perfect speciman. Per. Fect.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday Morning
Got the race all queued up and ready to go! The finish line with minimal movement early on... |
Race on the computer, Law and Order on it the background :) Thats water in the G2 bottle; I recycle. :) |
Chillin' out...watching the marathon and little Nugget in the background thankful Momma quit yelling at the computer because Universal Sports online was being stupid. |
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Kenyan Way Long Run - 17.5 miles
Starting temp: 46deg
Ending temp: 48deg
I was so happy to see that it was indeed below 50deg when I got up this morning as when the weather folk say low of 44 that typically means at the airport and it would possibly be around 50 here in town due to all the concrete. It helped I guess that the temps yesterday never made it out of the 60s.
I started out at straight up 5am and since my accomplice did not show up AGAIN, I was on my own. Coach said 2 groups had already taken off, and that more would be following (I dont think they did since I never once got passed), I set out on my own.
I really love this route, but only having done it a couple of times and none this year, after I got out of RO and into Briargrove (I think thats what its called), I wasnt exactly sure where I was going. I had to stop a few times to check my directions and a couple of times I thought I either missed a turn or something (but I hadnt).
This is also where it got REALLY dark. With the sun not coming up until 7ish, I just had to make do and go slow when I wasnt sure of where I was going. I think it was around mile 8, where I had to cross over San Felipe off this side street that I got the spook of my life. There was a 4 way stop or something like that and I crossed over and there was a truck at the stop sign that was on SF. He sat there for a minute and then made the right hand turn towards me. I hopped up on the sidewalk and yes I was on the opposite side of the street. He slowed and then stopped. I looked back and he was getting out of his truck. It appeared he was coming towards me and I screamed No! and took off like a bolt of lightning. Then I did that thing I always scream at the tv when a girl is being chased and I looked back instead of just continuing to run and watch where I was going. I didnt see him anywhere and the lights from his truck were so bright that I wasnt sure where he was but I knew the truck hadnt moved. I got to a place where there was a left hand turn and I rounded the corner and just kept running. I looked back a time or two and there was no one coming and I saw a woman ahead of me just walking in the street. I have no clue what she was doing out so early in the dark but she wasnt walking a dog or anything. I was just happy to see someone. I slowed down to a walk and waited. No truck. I was completely prepared to jump someones fence and bang on their door, but I felt like everything was fine.
I turned around and started heading back towards the route. I dont know if he had just stopped for whatever reason or what, but it scared me. And something just didnt feel right. And who stops for no reason and gets out of their truck on some odd street in the pitch dark?
Anyway I got back on the route and kept going ... and going ... and going. I know I started an hour before everyone else, but I completely expected at least a couple of the fast groups to pass me but none ever did. It wasnt until I was back on Woodway that I saw any KW'ers (those that were going shorter than the 17.5/18.5 route). I did run into some Houston Fit'ers back in there going the opposite way and once I started seeing other runners I felt much, much better!
I started running out of steam in the last 4 miles and made a pit stop at the portacan's at the rugby field at MP, then I finished up. Finally!
I never took any Gatorade again! Yay! and took 3 gels and drank only water at all the stops. It certainly helps to only have to take 1-2 cups of water and no Gatorade with the cooler temps. Additionally when I got up and was getting dressed, I initially put on a long sleeve Lulu but then thought better of it and changed into a Lulu tank and arm warmers. I remembered last week that I was a bit warm in the same temps and it was 15 miles and so I am SO glad that I changed. For longer distances I dont need a long sleeve when temps are in the 40s. My arm warmers have those little finger holes so that 1/2 your hand is covered and that kept my hands perfectly comfortable. I was out there for 3.5 hours and plenty of time to warm up!
Next week is the last long run before I begin taper #2 for Dallas White Rock! I plan to run for 4 hours and call it a day. I just pray for cold weather again!
How was everyones long run today? Or if in taper how did your shortened run go???
Ending temp: 48deg
I was so happy to see that it was indeed below 50deg when I got up this morning as when the weather folk say low of 44 that typically means at the airport and it would possibly be around 50 here in town due to all the concrete. It helped I guess that the temps yesterday never made it out of the 60s.
I started out at straight up 5am and since my accomplice did not show up AGAIN, I was on my own. Coach said 2 groups had already taken off, and that more would be following (I dont think they did since I never once got passed), I set out on my own.
I really love this route, but only having done it a couple of times and none this year, after I got out of RO and into Briargrove (I think thats what its called), I wasnt exactly sure where I was going. I had to stop a few times to check my directions and a couple of times I thought I either missed a turn or something (but I hadnt).
This is also where it got REALLY dark. With the sun not coming up until 7ish, I just had to make do and go slow when I wasnt sure of where I was going. I think it was around mile 8, where I had to cross over San Felipe off this side street that I got the spook of my life. There was a 4 way stop or something like that and I crossed over and there was a truck at the stop sign that was on SF. He sat there for a minute and then made the right hand turn towards me. I hopped up on the sidewalk and yes I was on the opposite side of the street. He slowed and then stopped. I looked back and he was getting out of his truck. It appeared he was coming towards me and I screamed No! and took off like a bolt of lightning. Then I did that thing I always scream at the tv when a girl is being chased and I looked back instead of just continuing to run and watch where I was going. I didnt see him anywhere and the lights from his truck were so bright that I wasnt sure where he was but I knew the truck hadnt moved. I got to a place where there was a left hand turn and I rounded the corner and just kept running. I looked back a time or two and there was no one coming and I saw a woman ahead of me just walking in the street. I have no clue what she was doing out so early in the dark but she wasnt walking a dog or anything. I was just happy to see someone. I slowed down to a walk and waited. No truck. I was completely prepared to jump someones fence and bang on their door, but I felt like everything was fine.
I turned around and started heading back towards the route. I dont know if he had just stopped for whatever reason or what, but it scared me. And something just didnt feel right. And who stops for no reason and gets out of their truck on some odd street in the pitch dark?
Anyway I got back on the route and kept going ... and going ... and going. I know I started an hour before everyone else, but I completely expected at least a couple of the fast groups to pass me but none ever did. It wasnt until I was back on Woodway that I saw any KW'ers (those that were going shorter than the 17.5/18.5 route). I did run into some Houston Fit'ers back in there going the opposite way and once I started seeing other runners I felt much, much better!
I started running out of steam in the last 4 miles and made a pit stop at the portacan's at the rugby field at MP, then I finished up. Finally!
I never took any Gatorade again! Yay! and took 3 gels and drank only water at all the stops. It certainly helps to only have to take 1-2 cups of water and no Gatorade with the cooler temps. Additionally when I got up and was getting dressed, I initially put on a long sleeve Lulu but then thought better of it and changed into a Lulu tank and arm warmers. I remembered last week that I was a bit warm in the same temps and it was 15 miles and so I am SO glad that I changed. For longer distances I dont need a long sleeve when temps are in the 40s. My arm warmers have those little finger holes so that 1/2 your hand is covered and that kept my hands perfectly comfortable. I was out there for 3.5 hours and plenty of time to warm up!
Next week is the last long run before I begin taper #2 for Dallas White Rock! I plan to run for 4 hours and call it a day. I just pray for cold weather again!
How was everyones long run today? Or if in taper how did your shortened run go???
Friday, November 4, 2011
Empire State of Mind - Go Get em Runners!!!
Oh how I wish I could write how insanely jealous I am of all of my friends (and non-friends too) running the 2011 NYC Marathon this weekend! Its only been 3 years since I ran it, but it seems like a lifetime ago.
Oh how things were different so many ways...
However is showing the coverage for FREE! so I will be tuned in on Sunday morning!!!!
So in honor of you all, here is a funny for you to ease/calm your nerves!!!
Marathon Boy - Documentary
I don't know how I feel about this. I have only seen the trailer for this documentary, not the entire film. Which needs to be rectified as soon as possible.
Watch it here.
I vacillate between sadness and awe.
It was on HBO last night apparently, and I totally missed it. Hoping it is being re-aired, but I just checked the movies website and it only showed one airing. :O(
The Hollywood Reporter - Film Review
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Ouch! Explained
So on Tuesday I decided I wanted to go out and ride so ride I did.
I knew on the way 'out' when I was doing close to 18mph with little effort that it was all the wind and that I would have to deal with the backside of that on the way back. But I figured eh, whatever, NBD.
My intent after going as far west as the path would allow I would come back and then head off towards downtown after manuevering my way to the other bike path that takes one in that direction.
What happened was something entirely different.
I had made my way west as far as the bike path allows (the rest opens in January!!), and had headed back when after I stopped to take a drinky drink, I started back up again and just as I did a big gust of wind hit me from the side and I lost control of the bike a bit and because I was too close to the edge of the path I veered off into the grass and then I over-corrected putting my front tire in the crevice between the actual grass and the pathway. My tire went one way, and I went flying the other with the bike ending up on top of me. I had fallen to the left therefore all the cuts and road rash are completely on my left side. Thankfully I did have my gloves on otherwise my palms would have been really messed up.
I just kinda laid there for a moment, lifting my head to see if anyone was coming as I was in the middle of the path, and then just laid my head back down for a moment before attempting to get up and survey the damage. To myself and the bike.
It didnt appear the bike had any damage so I was thankful for that, and after figuring out I was ok too, I prepared to get back on the bike and head home to lick my wounds.
Only something was wrong...I couldnt pedal. It just was all loosey goosey.
The chain had come off. Ugh.
So while trying to hold the bike up with one hand and steady it, with my other hand I tried to manuever the chain back on. It wasnt going so well and I was about 6 miles from home. So I started walking and someone did come along (I knew that they would it would be just a matter of 'when'), and they helped me put the chain back on and I was on my way.
So with blood running down my leg and elbow, straight into a headwind and the rolling hills, I was cussing SO badly. Everything kinda hurt and I just wanted to be home.
Finally I made it there, carried the bike upstairs and tended to my wounds.
Everything seemed ok yesterday, but it kinda sucked to run but I made sure I did because I knew that icky weather was coming today and if there was going to be an URD it would need to be today.
Sure enough, last night, I started feeling more and more sore and by the time I got up this does it hurt! I honestly didnt think it was going to hurt this bad, but it indeed does. And with the winds as fierce as they are today, I know I made the right choice. Thank you weatherman for your forecast! There is no way I think I could push this body through 35mph winds today.
I have 18 miles to accomplish on Saturday, so gonna have to baby this body until then!
And can I just say that when googling for stock photo of 'bike crash', you get some grooooooss results. Ick.
I mean...look at this one below. WTF?
Is that a whale that is cut open and his guts are all over the road? I don't even know what to say about this!
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