Thursday, May 24, 2012

You People and Your GoshDarn Memory...

Jamoosh brought up a very good point in a comment recently:

Thought you were done with marathons? Regardless, more power to you!

Why yes, Jamoosh, I did say (write) that I believe shortly after completing Houston back in January.

I had just come off of about 8 months of marathon training for 3 marathons within 99 days (October - January).  While I bailed on one of them (Dallas White Rock) for the 1/2 distance instead because of weather, I still trained back up to that sucker after completing Chicago 8 weeks prior.

Anyway, between the weather at 2 of them, and then the weather at Houston along with IT band issues 3 days prior and about half way through the marathon...

Well let's just say that my body was worn the fuck out.

As was my mind.

So yeah, at the time and up until as recently as Monday of this week, I was still a no more marathons kinda girl (at least for a while).

Outside of doing another marathon, I pretty much was more adamant about not TRAINING for a marathon even...for at least a year.

Until this week.

I knew a week ago that I had my guaranteed entry into the Houston 2013 marathon if I wanted it.  First I had to decide whether or not to even apply for it, which I did.

Then I got it and then took 5 days to decide (at least initially) if I was going to cash it in.

Which I did.

This injury, unlike any of the others (which were not near as painful as this one has been), has given me so much to think about.  And again, moreso than the other couple of times.

At first, all I cared about really was how soon could I do CrossFit again, but then over the past couple of weeks, it all became about how soon could I run again.

I'm a runner.

Plain.  Pure.  Simple.

Would I have come back to so quickly to the idea of another marathon?  I would add 'so soon', but lets face it it will have been a year since my last one, and yes I would be training starting in August (or actually as soon as I am able to really run again), and that would have been only 8 months...

But the past 5 weeks of not being able to not only not run at all, but the level of pain especially the first 3 weeks is something that I just cannot overlook...

And all I can think about now is running...running...running...

So yeah...I said no more marathons in one breath...

And then I said no marathons within a year...
Not even training for a marathon for at least 12 months...

But that was 5 months ago that I said that...

And things...well...things are different now...

All I know is I will start marathon training as soon as possible (since I need/want to build back up to 10 miles by August)...and I will start that training with Kenyan Way just like I have for the past 6 years...

But whether or not I toe the line for the full, the half or even take a deferral will just have to be a story not yet written....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...