I was not very good on my eating this past weekend. I was out of my comfort zone (i.e. mi casa) first and foremost. Being at mom's I knew, would be challenging.
At least my breakfast shortly after my 11 miler on Saturday was good.
Then it kind of went downhill after that. Although I DID have some really good vegetables at Mom's thanks in part to raiding my sister's house which is right next door. I also ended up eating a teeny bit of briskit.
Then on Sunday I didn't eat until around 1:30 that afternoon. And then I only ate a small sandwich on Sandwich thins, with a bit of sliced turkey. Now you see? I ate meat 2 days in a row. Blah. Not a lot to make me feel bad on the inside but still.
Then came the invitation to go to the movies...which is really why I only ate that little sandwich because I knew I would want popcorn. Opting out of one for the other. And well, thats what I had for dinner.
No wonder I woke up famished this morning!
Yes I could have eaten a meal once I got home since it was fairly early, but my stubborness to make sure I didnt add any more calories for the day...Ummmm...Whaat? You had a teeny sandwich and popcorn. I don't think I needed to worry...but eh, it is what it is...
Lets address the meat thing...bottom line is that I am certain that from now until after the next 3 long distance races (5 months of continuous marathon training, not to mention 2 marathons and 1 half marathon) I am going to have to have some protein in the way of lean meats at least once a week. My body is craving it badly, and the cravings dont go away so I know my body wants it.
So for now, we're reverting to 'flexitarianism'.
And yes, its a real word. :o)
I am still going to keep it to mainly fish, but lean ground turkey will be making a reappearance since its so versatile. Looking back I realized that my dairy consumption had dimished some so I need to put some of that back as well.
Now...to the title of this blog entry. "Making Weight"
Yesterday while standing in line at the concession stand at the theatre, I was having the 'small sandwich = its ok to have popcorn' conversation, and we inched closer to the counter, I spotted the pretty yellow bag of peanut m&m's.. then the Reeses Pieces...and then the Butterfinger Bites...it was the Butterfinger Bites that triggered a childhood (high school) memory. So I was telling the story...every day my last period at school was basically 'gym' because we started Drill Team practice during that time and then of course on into the afternoon after school was officially over. And every single day I had the same thing in between. A Dr. Pepper and either a Baby Ruth or a Butterfinger. And then on the weekends of course I would barely eat because on Monday, during practice, was weigh in. You had to 'make weight' if you were going to get to dance on the field on Friday night. Every girl, depending on height had a 'weight' they had to 'make' or otherwise you sat in the bleachers. You didnt practice, and you got replaced with an alternate. And yes the alternates had to 'make weight' as well.
I am 5'2 and I had to weigh in at 108 or less.
And every single week I did. I never missed a game, or a dance.
Add to eating disorder much?
Nowadays and for some time though...I see that is no longer a 'requirement' ... Is it good? I have mixed feelings on it. Instead I see girls on the field who are overweight, and I am not talking by a little. It would appear high school cheerleaders still maintain a healthy body weight, and I bet its either because of restrictions set by the coach or just good old fashioned peer pressure to be thin/athletic.
I think 'health goals' should still play in part in whether or not someone gets to dance.
Good grades are mandatory, why shouldnt good health?
Anyway, just another memory of the long term effects of body image/eating disorder situations can have on a person you know? My friend asked "I wonder how much that played a part in eating disorders to so many girls?" Um. A lot. I know of a few of my friends back then that were way worse off than I was when it came to 'how' they 'made weight' every Monday.
Which brings me to this morning. I haven't weighed in quite some time. Because I knew that I wouldnt like what I would see because since full on marathon training started I was no longer as 'thin' as I was that last time. This morning though...feeling very comfortable with what I was seeing in the mirror the past few days I was indeed curious.
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So out came the scale from under the bed where I had hidden it.
I placed it on the kitchen floor, touched my toe to it to turn it on and saw the big fat 0 there flashing.
And up I went...wait...wait...wait...
And then the result.
Eh...about 3 lbs more than I was...not so bad really. I was still happy that it was under that 'imaginary' number I dont want to ever see again though...1 lb away from it. So the bottom line is that I have 4 lbs to lose in about 5-6 weeks. I just want it to be a number that I feel certain will bode well on October 10th in Chicago.
And so it begins...the quest to get the lbs off...without harming myself or any animals in the process.
except a few turkeys... :P
As for the creation of eating disorders when it comes to making weight, here is the problem. When a "goal" is put out there to "make weight", but no parameters or guidance on how to get there are encourage, enforced, or whatever, yeah a disorder is given fertile breeding ground to form.
But, if there is guidance on how to maintain weight, and help along the way, then more of those trying to make weight will be able to without harming themselves. Not to say you still won't see problems, but just a thought.
Just like everything else, I can relate it to parenting and marathon running, but for these purposes, I'll go with marathoning. Anyone can train themselves to "finish" a marathon, but if left to our own devices, most will have a hard time doing it properly without all getting injured or having the day turn out miserable. To better your chances of making it to the start line, and being able to run the distance, you find a coach or training group that is geared towards actual preparation for the race, not just finishing.
Wow, that was way longer than I intended to write. :P
I am feeling your pain.
Funny that we both ate popcorn for dinner recently because of a movie.
I like what Sam said above...but I'm left wanting more. I understand the need to have a "coach", but it seems that everyone has a completely different opinion. In keeping with the marathon analogy (but understanding I am completely talking about food here)...I heard a podcast with Jeff Galloway recently...he said you MUST take walk breaks. Period. What? What if I want to train to run a marathon?
I've had one dietitian tell me I "need" to eat about 2300-2500 calories a day, and a doctor tell me 1200. One "expert" says to eat 6 small meals a day, another says certainly not-3 plus a small snack.
It's frustrating enough, but combine that with the "ideal me" I have in my head (that btw I will never make unless I shave some bone from my hips and buy some "extra" for the top)...no wonder I have no idea what to do!
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