Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Heartbreak

I woke up this morning in quite a bit of ouchiness.  My hamstrings are tight and I just have an overall body ache. 

Since I overdid it yesterday, I decided to just do CrossFit tonight and no running beforehand.  I came home from work and then laid still for about an hour before heading over...I contemplated taking a full on rest day...so so so glad I didnt though!

The great thing about CF is that the next days WOD is generally posted the night before after the last session either on the website or on Facebook, so basically what I do is plan around that.  I will either run and do CF, just run, just do CF, or decide to do nothing at all.

I apologize if all the CrossFit workouts I am posting is boring and blah!  I probably won't post those (much) that aren't named (like yesterdays isn't named). 

But I am going to continue to blog them because its the easiest way for me to reference back (by using my blog labels) to monitor my progress if and when I ever repeat a workout (so far that hasn't happened and actually is rare in CrossFit since there are so many WOD's and variances.

Today is a 'hero' WOD, and remember I said 'hero' WOD's are the hardest.  Its kinda neat to google the hero that the WOD is named after to read about him, his service to our country and how he died serving our great country.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Wall Balls
10 GHD* Situps

Hero WOD:
5 Rounds
7 Muscle Ups or Sub 3-3 Pullups-Ring Dips for 1 muscle up (which means 21 each of the pull ups and dips)
21 SDHP** (95/65#) 
Note: I used bands for assist on the pull ups and used 45lbs on the SDHP's.

Scored for time

Partner Core:
100 Ball Slam Passes

*glute hamstring developer
**sumo deadlift high pulls

Tomorrow will more than likely be only a running day...

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