Week before last was a nightmare all the way around. I had overextended myself with plans on several nights, then Heather passed away and that took away a couple more of my days...
And everything just went blah.
On that Saturday though, I met up with my peeps for our 'long' run (I am only doing 7 miles on Saturdays right now and will continue that distance for a couple more weeks), and from that point on I got back on track.
Not only with my workouts but especially with my food.
After just a week of back to working out regularly and eating properly I noticed a HUGE difference the past couple of days. Clothes are feeling great again, I don't avoid the mirror with my naked self and we are moving in the right direction!
I've actually got myself on a pretty strict eating regime, which I won't really document due to the fact that too many folks would be put off by it first off and we'll just leave it at that.
I KNOW what works for me, and thats the end of that.
Its challenging to say the least, but my mind is right, so its not feeling like a chore. There ARE times I want to go off track and I stay as focused as I can.
I did buy a pint of orange swirl this weekend, and had the littlest bowl possible ever of it. It was DELICIOUS.
I've been journaling and making mental notes of my triggers and my struggles. That helps too.
So many I know have fallen into some sort of difficulty with their health recently and to be honest I get it. But we all have to find our own strength and willpower and take it ONE. DAY. AT. A. TIME.
An example: right now, as I type this I am extremely hungry. Well something is. I FEEL hungry. But I know what I JUST ate and I KNOW that it was PLENTY of food and nutrients.
Yes we are back to the embrace your hunger stage. And it actually feels amazing.
Workouts are going great as well! I haven't driven into town for 3 Saturdays now, and have just been running with a group of women here from work at TH. Its actually been really awesome and I enjoy the company and we always go somewhere after, usually SBux for iced coffee and chat for about another 45min or so.
Now that July is about to happen, my budget is reset so I am hoping that the gym has a join special in the next week or so. I am still making do with the onsite facility, but I REALLY REALLY miss lifting heavy! The dumbbells, while yes are heavy just are not the same as plates, weighted bars etc. for true CrossFit style of moves I enjoy AND THAT WORK.
For now at least I plan to still keep my long running out here and not with Kenyan Way. I suspect once August gets here and my mileage starts creeping up I will drive into town for the support and the different routes.
I will say I am actually glad now that I ran yesterday too, which I never do anymore, because now I dont have to run today; I can just focus on HIIT and some relaxed elliptical work.
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