Saturday, June 16, 2012

Back In The Saddle

The last time I ran with Kenyan Way was back in mid-April but this morning I returned to my happy place.

I went with just 8 miles and damn I had forgotten how hard it can be.  Yes I've run on my own up to that mileage recently but when you're alone you don't feel any pressure.  You can be a slacker if you want.  When you are out there with a bunch of others, you push yourself just a bit more.

Or maybe a lot more.

Anyway, I walked a few times, especially on any inclines because I could feel the pull in my piriformis and I have to be patient.

We'll go for 9 next week and hopefully will make my goal of being back to 10 miles by July 1.  I may be  in Nebraska next weekend, and if so, I'll do my long run up there.  The temps in the mornings are mid 50's to 60 deg so that would make me very happy!  The altitude is above 4000ft so not sure how that will affect me...


Then it was Reebok CrossFit time at Luke's Locker at 2pm.

It was inside in the empty space next to Lukes, but there was no AC so don't even think we caught a break.  It had just rained, and the sun was gonna peek out and that just made the inside feel like a steam room.

Good stuff.

Crappy cell phone picture.  More decent ones in another post.
It was a "Fight Gone Bad" style WOD, but instead of wall balls and rowing, we had pullups, burpees, air squats, box jumps and kettlebell swings, rest (each station for 1 minute before moving on to the next).  Additionally it was a shortened sequence, 3 rounds instead of 5.  Still just coming off my injury, 3 rounds was enough for this girl.  Especially after running this morning and only eating a teensy bit of food (my bad; just not hungry).  Until now of course.

Each session today was limited to 30 people and most of the ones in my group had done CF before; only a handful had not.  I was happy that I tried the pullups (with a band) because I haven't been able to do them as it irritated my back too much.  Today I was able to do them as long as I had my right leg in the band and not my left so that all the work was on my right side as I was kipping.

I did not count my reps for this WOD since it was shortened and I just wanted to focus on form and not reinjuring myself.

I will have a lot more photos later, but right now I need food.  :)

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