Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ENERGYbits - Product Review


Recently on Twitter I had been seeing lots and lots of tweets surrounding a product called ENERGYbits.
Let's face it, I follow and am followed by probably 98% of runners and/or some other type of athlete.
So a tweeter sees a LOT of product promotion.  A.  LOT.  :O)
However every once in a while a product hits a home run.
At least in my book.
Poor FrogFuel!  Even with my disclaimer about not all products affect everyone the same, no one took the opportunity for a giveaway.
Then ENERGYbits happened!  Glorious glorious ENERGYbits!
After a question or two to fellow tweeters, I was contacted by their social media dude to see if I wanted to try them out!  SURE!  I mean they are pricey, and I am not one to shell out that kind of money based on other peoples reviews, no matter how many glowing reviews I had read.
Just google.  You'll see.  LOTS of reviews out there for this product!
So an email or two, and about 3 days later the ENERGYbits arrived in my mail.
Instead of trying out right away, I wanted to save for my 16 miler I had on my schedule.  There was only mild apprehension in another new product on a long training run after the FrogFuel and Gatorade PreFuel fiasco.  I mean the worst review I had read on the bits was just that 'they didn't work for me'.  It wasn't horror stories.  Just didn't work. 
I also had maybe just a bit of apprehension as to how I was going to swallow that many pills before a long run!  Or ever!  LOL!

You are instructed to take 30 of them 15-30 min before.  Now given that I had 16 miles to do and knew it was going to be like 3 hours, I asked the guy at ENERGYbits how to handle.  He told me what he did on longer runs so that was my plan.
So after my coffee, I took only 23 (I know such a weird number!).  I figured being small maybe I could go with that number.  I did NOT eat anything prior to leaving the house as I usually do.
Now it could have been the cooler weather to some degree, but that cooler weather DID NOT contribute to the clarity and just being more 'engaged' in not only my running but in my surroundings.  I didn't feel anxious about the distance, I felt calm.  Before I knew it I had completed 3 loops (almost 7 miles and I was like whhhhhhhhhhaaat just happened?)
So I took 15 more of them with my Nuun and began to run again.
I never once felt hungry (although I did have a gel after the 4th loop for the calories; the ENERGYbits don't have a lot of calories (1cal each tablet), nor does NUUN, and well you NEED calories when running a long distance run no matter what).
The sample I received had 50 tablets in it, so I had some left over which was my intent for a follow up run to have that 2nd go at them to be certain (more on that later).
What happened for hours later though was truly what had me sold.

Not only did I complete my mileage feeling better than I had in weeks after long runs, but I went home, took a shower, drank my chocolate milk, I went outside and began mowing the lawn. Then I came inside and did 2 loads of laundry, walking up and down stairs over and over.

CRAZY!  I felt like I had done maybe 5 miles or so.

And never felt hungry. Sometimes in a long run, thinking about what I'm going to eat is always at the top of my
'what can I think about so I am not thinking about running' list!  

Not even after I laid down for a couple of hours which generally ALWAYS happens.

Now I do not condone not feeding your body after a workout or run (hey I had my HUGE glass of chocolate milk!), but if I wasn't hungry, I wasn't hungry.

Spirulina (component of both ENERGYbits and SKINNYbits) is scientifically proven to aid in managing a healthy weight.  Well that I can definitely say was a side effect of the bits I had that day.  It wasn't until late afternoon/early evening before I ate.  And I didn't have that marathon training hunger, let me eat all the foods starving feeling I have been feeling for weeks and even now (because of course I don't have any bits!)

I have actually now done a TON of reasearch on spirulina since being introduced to the product first on Twitter and then first-hand.  So if you are interested, just use google.

I have provided enough links throughout this post to link you back to ENERGYbits site to get information on the product AND the company, which I have to also say is A+++++ in customer service as well!!!

I have reader giveaway to do, but since I left the paper at home with the details, I will do a separate post on that ALONG with the details of what happened on the 2nd short run (yesterday morning) when I had a few bits left from the sample...

If you already know about ENERGYbits or just want to order, you can type BLOG into the box on the online order form to receive 10% off.

Stay tuned for more review and a giveaway!

Please Note: I am not sponsored by ENERGYbits and received no compensation for this post. I just like to share my experience with different products out there that can help runners. All opinions expressed are my own.

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