Friday, May 31, 2013

What I've Been Doing Since Colfax

After finishing the race and getting the nice ride from the lady on Elm Street back to the hotel; which thankfully happened because the fact that they didnt have any late check outs left (I still don't understand this), I had an just under an hour and a half to get upstairs, shower, eat something, blah blah blah..

I wasn't happy about having to rush, but it was what it was and I made the best of it!  Thanks to my super duper short hair now and the whole no make up thing ;o), its a lot easier to just shower, dress and go these days.  

Low maintenance > High maintenance  

That 2.5 hour drive back to Nebraska was loooooooooooooooong and man was I so wanting to pull over and take a nap about halfway home!   So there was that...   I took Monday off completely (from running/physical activity), and then went back to regularly scheduled running etc.  

So the whole Run Every Day in May was missing a day!  :O)   I ran 4 miles both Tues and Wed, another Step class (no more through the Summer tho!  Boooo!), walked 45 min before that class on the treadmill, ran 6 miles the Saturday after the race, 3 on that Sunday, did a 5K on Monday (Memorial Day) along with a crazy ass CrossFit WOD, ran Tuesday, Wed (twice, plus a CrossFit WOD), Thurs...and its back to 10 milers on Saturdays for the next couple of weeks, and theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn................time to ramp up long run mileage for training for:
October 13, 2013
I've actually been getting up around 5am to get a run in in the morning, since its in the 40-50's here then and then it can get quite warm and A LOT windy here as the day goes on, so I've been making it a real effort and priority to get up when the weather is ideal.

It's full on daylight here by 5:10am (still don't understand that), so its very easy to get the run done, showered and at work by 7:15 easy...(again LOOOOOOOOOOOVING the low maintenance lifestyle I have adopted)

So I think its not until the last Saturday in June before I hit 13 miles for a long run which as I said I will keep doing 10-11 miles up until then.  Who knows maybe I will throw in a 13 miler next Saturday.

My plan is to run the 5-6 days a week, CrossFit or weights twice a week and possibly Kick-boxing on Tuesdays...

All the hard work is paying off, I can tell even from March pictures at NYC to ones from Colfax...nice that I am back to feeling like myself again.

I mean come on...I have that BIG...GIGANTIC...MILESTONE of a birthday coming up in just over a week...and honestly I still get mistaken for someone mid 30's and I think I look pretty damn good for someone about to be...well...Golden  :O)

1 comment:

Mel said...

I still don't believe that's your real age ;-)