Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Hate Running Sometimes

A warm front is upon us (till tomorrow) and I had mile repeats, 7 miles total.  Since I have plans for early evening out in Kingwood, I had to run my speed workout mid-day.  Ugh.  It sucked.

1.5 mile warmup
4 x 1 mile w/ 1 min rest in between (between 9:18 and 9:26)
1.5 mile sloooooooow run back home

My body feels like its shutting down on me but I know its just because I am exhausted and we are in the last full week of high mileage before taper.  And it was just soooooo humid out and we've been so blessed with cold temps...till today...

I have to try and squeeze in a run tomorrow before work, or between work and heading to my sisters.  I honestly dont know if thats going to happen as I wont be home till late and I know I am going to be that much  more exhausted come tomorrow morning...



TX Runner Mom said...

I think the running and lack of sleep is catching up with me too. Can't wait till the holidays are done!

Junie B said...

Thankfully I havent had to deal with lack of sleep (except for last night), but the miles of running, the holidays, etc., have caught up methinks :)

Almost on the backside now...