Sunday, April 29, 2007

Schleroderma 5K

Good God, I did not want to leave the house this morning.

I woke up well before the clock, which was set to go off at 5:15am. I got up around 5, splashed water on my face, and put on my clothes. All except my shoes.

I had alot of time before I actually needed to leave the house, and I laid down on the couch and started watching a Tivo episode of ER.

I really dont want to go, I said to myself. I'm tired, yesterdays relay kicked my ass, then the Astros game, a couple of beers (early) and well, its ok if I dont go. Its fine. I ran hard yesterday. Its all good.

By now its 5:30am. Still laying on the couch.

Phone starts ringing.


"Are you still in bed?" he asked. "No, but I am on the couch" was my reply. Then of course I hear the usual blah blah blah in my ear, all from the guy who wasnt even going to do this race today.

The same person who ended up winning 1st in his age group. You can thank me later for that big ass pretty trophy you got ;o)

Anyway I did end up putting my shoes on and headed out the door.

I didnt expect much today, which I know isnt the right frame of mind to go into an event with, but well...sometimes it happens.

My legs hurt from yesterday, but the warm up I did with Pony (who got 2nd in our age group!!) must have helped. I actually ended up doing alot better than I thought I would.

No PR, and no sub 30: but thats cool. I held my own, and with HottieSteves help there in the last 1/4 mile or so I was able to turn it up and he had me catching and passing people left and right. One tried to come back and pass me (I could hear her coming back up on me) and that just wasnt acceptable. :o) So Steve thanks for the pick-up ... even if I still think you're a big meanie. ;o)

Mile 1: 9:31
Mile 2: 10:09
Mile 3: 10:19 (and in this mile I actually took a 1 min walk break)
last .19: 1:31 (8:00 pace!)

Total Time: 31:30 (3.19)

The avg pace for the 3.1 showed me at 10:10 pace and again...thats great considering I didnt think I had anything left today. Would be slightly less if you take into account the difference between the .1...I know everyone else had it about about .15 or .16, but I guess when I walked that 1 minute there that might be where my difference in distance came in at compared to theirs (since I moved over the right where the walkers were).

I even finally managed to crack the top 10 in my age group (7th) so its been a good weekend for me on all fronts.

Alot of Striders out this morning showing their support, and alot of them took home hardware as well!!

A great event, and with the Striders managing it (Barb as Race Director was awesome), well lets just say that I am thrilled that I did make it out the door this morning. I know had I not, I would have been kicking my own ass with regret.

Night night.


Anonymous said...

Entertaining report! Great seeing you yesterday and today, congratulations on a fine double race weekend. And, good news, looks like you need to attend all future Astros home games as their lucky fan :-)


Vic said...

Nice race JoonieB. Great weekend for you. Keep up the good work.

miss petite america said...

way to get out there!

you're lucky to have great people lookin' out for ya :)