Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Thanks to Sarah who snapped me in my first racing pic airborne. Both feet off the ground, which I always think those photos are cool.
And yes, she gave me permission to use the photo here! :o)
She got another cool one of me as I was tossing off a water cup after pretty much dousing myself with it. I still havent mastered the drinking on the run thing, but I am getting better.
Sometimes it makes it, sometimes not so much.


TX Runner Mom said...

Great pic! You look fast to me! :-)

Sarah said...

Oh -- I sent you the thumbnail without the watermark!

Humble Runner said...

Dang, you are getting fast.... is that Pony running BEHIND you?


Anonymous said...

For all interested Canadians, review the article in last month's Runner's World about achieving your 5K PR. All distances are not raced the same. Good reading.

barbara said...

Hey, check out who's right behind you in the blue! Or is that just my imagination?

Awesome picture - great job to both of ya!

Sarah said...

Heh, I hadn't noticed but they're right -- June, you're totally ahead of Pony and Vera Balic (in black) in this photo! :)

barbara said...

Oh! LOL! I didn't see that comment about Pony being behind you was already posted!

miss petite america said...

oooh you look so fast!!!

Vic said...

Guess Bezner taught you how to fly.

Pony and Petey said...

See Junebuggy?! I TOLD you I'd need to watch my back after all those speed work sessions you've been doing!!

I think Sarah did a FANTASTIC job on the pics!!

Ruune said...

What a great photo - you are flying!!

Junie B said...

That was right out of the box, and I knew I had overextended myself when I got to the 1/2 mile mark of mile 1 and saw that I had run it in 4:08!!

Obviously both of those ladies passed me!!!