Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I don't do resolutions and haven't for many, many, many years.
I do reflect on what didn't get accomplished in that year that I might have set a goal for, and what if anything I want to strive for in the coming year.
I cannot recall if I ever wrote anything down here on this blog or any blog I have had (this is my 3rd), but last night I was thinking I probably should write my thoughts down somewhere.  And since basically no one reads this anymore, I figured I could just do it here since I don't keep a journal.
I have a couple of books on my Kindle that I would like to get around to reading at some point.  They've been there pretty much all of 2015 if I remember right.
2016 was going to be the year I would drop some money on a townhome or condo, but I have since scrapped that idea recently.  First off home prices are high right now due to low inventory.  I don't know that that will change anytime soon.
Furthermore I decided to do some travel this year instead.  A couple of places on my bucket list, and if I keep waiting around for one reason or another, it might not happen.  So the first week of May I am off to Costa Rica!!!  I am so darn excited!  I have the paper filled out to renew my passport and I will book my flight with income tax refund.  I have the accommodations booked though. Sun-Sat of pure bliss and adventure!
The only other place I really want to go is New Zealand but that'll be done in a different year.  Maybe next if the housing thing stays as is.  I have a trip West with some girlfriends in September.
I also thought I would be paying off my debt this year, but well that got accomplished already, so...
I am also striving towards some additional success at work so hoping that my love for this company continues to be as strong as it is today.  I seriously love this company, the people I work with and my job.  That's not to keep me complacent though.  I have a lot to offer in my opinion so its in everyone's best interest :O)
As it pertains to health, I just want to keep being active and healthy.  My goal this year believe it or not is to NOT train for a half marathon.  I love running so that's not going to stop but I'd like to take the Fall off from the monotony of training.  We will see if that changes come September based on other variables leading up to that point.
Pretty sure my heart is set on 10 milers being my jam for a while.  I have one in April and then I will do Katy again in October.  I am thinking that might be the extent of my distance running.
I think that about sums up some of my thoughts around me personally through 2016.  I will have to remember to check back here come December to see how I did ;o)

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