Monday, November 22, 2010

Because You Aren't Already Bombarded Enough!!!

Here...all in one place...ideas and tips on how to avoid holiday weight gain!!!!!!!!!!  Remember I am of the thought that 'holiday weight gain' starts as early as Halloween and doesnt end until Valentines Day!  Remember there is SuperBowl Sunday late January/early Feb!

The Big Three D's of Holiday Food!

Woman's Day even gets in on the holiday food feast/you're gonna get fat bandwagon...

and here is one that I just saw this morning and I was SHOCKED at the total of all those little bites along the way of preparation ... I will NOT be that person!  While its a sad thing indeed, I am a little thankful that our family get together this Thanksgiving is only going to be 4 people... :O(  There certainly wont be a ton of food around. 

Well the video won't embed, but here is the link:

Snack while you cook?  Think again...

Here's my tip.  Don't overeat and get out and exercise.  In other words, make sure your calories OUT are more than your calories IN.   
I know..I know...I'm a freakin' genius. 

DM me and I will give you my address to send all your money to because I solved something more exciting than the cure for the common cold and you feel like you owe me your first born.  Which I don't want by the way... $$$ will be sufficient :O)

I have the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning (If I still do it) but I plan on possibly running 2 times on Thursday.  If I dont do the TT5K, I will be doing a longer run later on in the day.  Plus I normally take Fridays off, but yeah...changed my calendar to run a short run on Friday morning before work). I made that decision this morning when I woke up feeling lethargic (not to mention completely fat and bloaty) because I ate some bad carbs yesterday working at the Locker.  No way am I going to be feeling like crap because I overate on Thursday.

Honestly, Thanksgiving, and with all the food, it really just stresses me out.


Anonymous said...

Great post :-)

I've gotten ALOT better in the last 3 years with handling holidays, but I do plan and think ahead on them. And I totally observe the HoliDAY thing and no longer the holi-week or holi-month which I did in the past.

I am fortune though that for the last 3 Thanksgivings I had control over most of the menu. Not saying it's all healthy, but it's alot smaller than Thanksgivings prior to my weight loss. We cut out anything that wasn't loved. Now we just have the things we MUST have. Everything in moderation right? Better believe I am enjoying the stuff that only comes once a year that I love :-)

The video is great, going to share that with my weight watchers group and mom.

Junie B said...

i couldnt believe what that all added up to at the end. almost 800cal and it was just a bite here and there :)

i may never lick another spoon/knife with cake frosting on it again!!!!

run4may said...

I plan on to counteract all my eating by participating in the holiday bootie busters... you made some good points in your post that I also hope to use if I'm slacking

Lauren said...

Good luck with your turkey trot!

Karen Seal said...

Great tips and ideas! Hope the Turkey Trot goes well! I have one on Thanksgiving morning, also! :0)